1st transmission - text, voice, video

Nov 23, 2011 04:16

[This poster seems to have turned on the voice-to-text function, as the letters appearing on the screen do look rather… rambly.]

Aaah, I’m not sure at all if I am doing this- wait-

[And then there is a voice, light and cheerful, although carrying a slight strain of annoyance.]

This looks a bit like Piffle technology, but I’m quite sure that’s not where I am. I should-

[And then it switches back to voice-to-text, not that it is very helpful, as a string of muttered words in a foreign language appears, and then abruptly stops. After a few more seconds, video is finally switched on, and any viewer is treated to a blond, young-looking man smiling like he has not a single trouble in the world. LIES.]

So, I thought at first that I was being automatically translated into this language, but it appears that I in fact can speak both my native tongue and this new one. And if that’s the case, my friends are more lost than I thought, and it is terribly important that I find them again. So if anyone has seen a serious brown-haired young man, a very sweet girl with brown hair and green eyes, a terribly bad-tempered tall man waving a sword around, or a small white creature by the name of Mokona, I would be most grateful for information.

Syaoran, Sakura, Kuro-pii, Mokona... if either of you can see this, I would be grateful if you would contact me. I have a feeling that this place might be very dangerous, and it is not good for either of us to wander around on our own.

[Fai leans back, still smiling indulgently at the camera, crossing his arms behind his head.]

Otherwise, I would be very happy for any information about this place that anyone might give me. You might say I am a traveler, and I arrived here so suddenly I haven’t quite gotten my bearings yet.

!fai d. flourite, miata, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, tabitha

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