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video; private singersalvages November 21 2011, 20:02:46 UTC
[Don't they all?]

I'm fine, Sam. Just too much chili before bed.


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video; private singersalvages November 22 2011, 03:49:40 UTC
I guess half a bottle beats no bottle. Bring it over.


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video; private singersalvages November 23 2011, 02:56:25 UTC
I'll leave the light on for ya.



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action! singersalvages November 23 2011, 18:34:52 UTC
[Bobby looks slightly better than he did on the video. But he's still not going to turn booze or a Winchester away. He opens the door, mutters a 'Come on in' before shutting it behind him.]

Just one more thing to add to the list.

[And he's keeping. Or starting one, in a notebook on the table.]


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action! singersalvages November 23 2011, 18:45:45 UTC
It's like the old saying goes, not sure if I'd wanna be a part of any club that would have on old goat like me as a member.

[Bobby smiles a bit, faint and weary.]

Can I get ya something to eat?

[Something to soak up the alcohol.]


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action! singersalvages November 23 2011, 20:10:49 UTC
[Bobby at least makes an attempt at being civilized, pouring the booze from the bottle into two cups.]

Guess we should start paying attention to some of these dreams. Not just ours. Might learn something.

[Like who might be a vampirewerewolfshapeshifterdemonangel. ...Just thinking about it makes him down the first shot and reach for the bottle again.]


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action! singersalvages November 24 2011, 02:19:28 UTC
So, you wanna tell me what's up with you before you're too wasted to make any sense?


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action! singersalvages November 24 2011, 22:19:23 UTC
[This ain't his first time at the rodeo, son.]

According to who?


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