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[ video ] sakurabito November 20 2011, 07:27:31 UTC
[ He remembers that day. That is one of the few that he cannot pass off, leave the details in some dark corner of his mind, to be recalled when necessary. That day changed many things, for all of them, he is sure. But this particular scene... ]

How strange. I wonder why it is you recall this.

[ Haven't done anything taichou should kill you for, have you? Well, besides put the moves on his sister. ]


[ video ] sucksatkidou November 20 2011, 07:46:59 UTC
[No smartass remarks, Renji. You've done enough damage by opening your mouth and you really can't afford anymore with Byakuya. Not that you ever could...]

Things've been tense lately. Y'get to feelin' that way and bad memories pop up, whether you want 'em to or not.


I still have some scars from that. They're faint, mostly healed, but I must've caught sight of one and then my brain did the rest of the work.


[ video ] sakurabito November 20 2011, 08:27:35 UTC
[ Good boy. You are learning. ]

Then perhaps that tension is in need of release.

[ Because Byakuya? Does not want to know what it feels like to be struck by his own blade so thoroughly, okay. ]


[ video ] sucksatkidou November 20 2011, 08:51:04 UTC
[He can be taught!]

Easier said than done, but...I agree with ya.

[In short, Taichou, it hurts like a bitch.

A big, bitter bitch.]


[ video ] sakurabito November 21 2011, 05:57:27 UTC
[ It's only good if he keeps up with it. ]

I would think it would be the opposite. [ Anatole is certainly not lacking in the 'things to destroy' department. ]

Unless what you require is more than a few monsters.


[ video ] sucksatkidou November 21 2011, 07:02:25 UTC
[He's not as hopeless as everyone thinks, okay.]

No I...I'm sure that'd help, but...


I lied to you.


[ video ] sakurabito November 22 2011, 08:11:17 UTC
[ If Renji needed more, Byakuya would gladly provide it. Kidou in the ruins or... it had been some time since he had last used his sword against someone of actual strength. Elves and walking corpses provided very little. But Renji's statement, muttered as it was, is cause for a pause from Byakuya. His eyes narrow and his chin lifts. ]

What was that?


[ video ] sucksatkidou November 22 2011, 08:40:06 UTC
[Here he is, trying to start an apology (or something similar) and he gets a haughty reaction fro Byakuya.

Which shouldn't surprise him, but being forced to repeat his words like a child is beyond frustrating. He knows Byakuya heard him. He's just trying to exert that classic Kuchiki power over him.

Renji will forever just be a dog that Byakuya can kick around when he wants to.

Still he lifts his own gaze and speaks with more confidence. You can't keep him down for long.]

I said I lied to you. I lied, but I didn't like it.


[ video ] sakurabito November 22 2011, 08:50:53 UTC
[ Oh he heard, all right. And that is why he wants to hear it again. ]

What is it you lied about that I do not already know?

[ He does not like being lied to. ]


[ video ] sucksatkidou November 22 2011, 09:01:48 UTC
[...Their ability to communicate is not going so well right now.]

Just all of us livin' together. It was stupid, but I thought it'd make things easier for everyone. You wouldn't have to worry 'bout anything, we wouldn't have to worry 'bout you worryin', and just...

[He lets out a frustrated breath.]

I ain't good at this, Taichou. At apologizin'.


[ video ] sakurabito November 23 2011, 06:56:00 UTC
[ Just make it awkward, Renji. That works well. ]

Rukia's well being is, and always will be, my concern.

[ He's supposed to be worried about it. He'd worry about it even if he didn't have to worry about it. ]

You overstepped your boundaries. A mere apology will not fix the damage you have done.

[ Okay, so maybe that is dramatic, but if you are going to be living with Rukia, he wants to see some action. ]


[ video ] sucksatkidou November 23 2011, 07:20:26 UTC
[Dammit, Byakuya.

Be good Renji be good Renji be good Renji...

But he can't suppress the growl from deep in his throat.]

I know all that. I ain't tryin' to-

[No, be good. Arguing isn't going to solve anything. Renji takes a couple deep breaths and bows his head.]

What would you have me do, Taichou?


[ video ] sakurabito November 23 2011, 08:42:56 UTC
Is it not obvious?

[ Control is a good thing to have. One day Renji will understand that. ]

I would have you correct your mistakes.


[ video ] sucksatkidou November 23 2011, 09:07:33 UTC
[...He's afraid of the means to that.]



[ video ] sakurabito November 24 2011, 05:39:57 UTC
[ ... ]

She is living in a closet, Renji.

[ The rest of it, he won't get into. He's not quite ready to take any more steps this year. ]


[ video ] sucksatkidou November 24 2011, 06:26:15 UTC
[...Oh. Oh. He's not going to get killed?

Holy shit.

Hooooly shit.

Mind. Blown.]

I know. She deserves better.

[He scratches the back of his neck.]

We're uh...workin' on that, actually.


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