002 | video;

Nov 03, 2011 20:31

[ The video starts with a somewhat nauseating spin as whoever is controlling the Forge sets it upright, catching in it's view a pair of bare feet peeking out from beneath very loose, baggy drawstring pants, from within the safe confines of a hastily constructed circle of rock salt thrown onto the floor... then settles on the ghostly image of a slightly rotund, judgmental looking middle-aged woman, busily making a bed.

The video swims once more and centers on Cas' face, who looks groggy, pale and miserable -- whether or not its because of the ghostly presence or from lack of sleep or some other ailment, who knows.  But what he says next might give a good enough clue: ]

...I'm seriously too hungover for this right now.

[ Castiel runs fingers through his messy hair, causing it to stick up more than usual as he tries to concentrate.  Okay, okay.  This isn't anything he hasn't handled before, it just... it's just the first time a ghost has actually picked up and tossed his stash. ]

Does anyone remember what I did last night?  'Cuz I, uh.. I sure as hell don't--  [ The maid mutters something about this place being too bohemian to be proper, causing the ex-angel man to frown in her direction. ]  --and I don't remember doing anything that deserved a... a haunting.

Um, help?

[ ooc: Castiel played a drunken game of Liar's Dice and won himself a little hired help from beyond the grave. ]

!castiel (future), the trickster, sam winchester, juushirou ukitake, dawn summers, dean winchester, theon greyjoy

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