
Nov 02, 2011 21:11


[Remember the footsteps from last time? They're back, but the sound is different now. Less crunchy. It's still backed by the sea though, and distant voices with an eerily hollow quality to them - she must be near the Victoria, if you would recognize it.]

Victories can never be simply celebrated, can they? I wonder what we're meant to do with this new land... what they intend to do with us now that the battle is over. And if there's more to this world that we aren't being told about.

[Who could say, after all? Anatole didn't even know of its neighbor until now.]

...things we don't know about.

One of us is missing. I wonder...

[For a moment, there's just the sound of the waves, the far-off voices, the silence of Teresa searching... and then it's interrupted by an abrupt chirping noise.]

What - where are all of these cats coming from?

[ ooc | oh dear a creeper is gone.]

miata, !teresa, lady, priscilla, clare

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