☀ { Audio/Video 001 }

Oct 17, 2011 21:16

[Elena arrived in Anatole early this morning and has spent the whole day questioning random people, researching, gathering information- everything she needs to get started. Satisfied with what she has been told thus far, she has taken it upon herself to record her surroundings as a sort of documentary because she is a reporter.

She has her camera in one hand to capture her own personal findings, but is also using the video/audio function on the Forge.]

This is Elena Fisher reporting live from a mysterious world known only as Anatole.

[The visual pans slowly to show the surrounding area.]

Much of the architecture and transportation of this world resembles that of the Victorian era, but the technology remains much more advanced than what had existed during that time.

But the real spectacle is this lighthouse-

[The lighthouse is now visible on the feed.]

For many years it has remained inoperable... until now. As you can see the light is currently on and it's causing unrest among the citizens of Anatole. No one alive can recall the last time it was in use and some believe that it's a sign of terrible things to come.

[Elena moves closer to the building.]

Strange noises can be heard coming from inside the lighthouse...

Is the mystery of Anatole trapped within the once abandoned lighthouse, waiting to be found? Or is this just another piece of a larger puzzle that has yet to be solved?

There's only one way to find out.

oscar vessalius, yachiru kusajishi, jack vessalius, nathan drake, !elena fisher, angel, bran stark

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