01-2 [Video]

Oct 09, 2011 03:09

[The Forge cuts on with a black screen at first, which gives way to a steely-blue grey wrapping that disappears into shadow as it extends upward... Yes, that is a leg. Yes, you've all just gotten an up-hakama shot.]

Here again?

[A pause as he takes a moment to feel out who's there that he recognizes, mumbling the names under his breath with each recognition. There aren't many, truth be told.]

Byakuya, Ukitake, Renji, Rukia, Ishida, Toshiro, Ulquiorra, Yachiru, ...Hinamori, Shiba, Gin, Isley, Dawn, ...Truth-girl.

[Sorry, Verity, but that's how he remembers you!]

...and Aizen.

[He steps away from the Forge, the image shifting as he moves to black and steely-blue grey and skin and ceiling, no trace of telltale orange for any who might recognize him. There's a moment's hesitation as he looks around to get his bearings, and then...]

When I said she could get a rabbit, I thought she meant one. I'm going to hope this is just a really home-y pet shop...

[Rukia, your bunny bungalow has a visitor XD]

juushirou ukitake, xerxes break, renji abarai, sousuke aizen, rukia kuchiki, !ichigo kurosaki, priscilla, dawn summers, isley, verity kindle, asmodeus of lust, ulquiorra cifer

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