{ 014 - Voice }

Oct 02, 2011 16:33

The light rains this morning were pleasant to behold. Already it is cooling outside, and the evening air is damp.

With each passing day the snows are closer to falling. I find myself looking forward to it.

The weather aside, I am looking to hire a handy person. They must be able to clean and cook, and they must be willing to run other various errands that I ask. I will be unable to provide lodgings, unless they wish to renovate the attic space and use that. And of course, for exceptional service, I will pay handsomely.

Merlin, I have a great favor to ask of you. I require the delivery of a package to Arthur. Can I entrust this task to you?

[The package, he does not go on to say, is very large and heavy...]

[Sitting atop a red silken blanket is a letter addressed to Arthur detailing the nature of the heavy and gilded iron and oak chest but none of its contents. It is signed by Isley.]

[Within follows...]

[For Merlin, a brown wool cloak with trimmed with leather and studded with brass. Come the snows, it should keep Merlin rather warm while he runs his errands for Arthur. Also for Merlin is a bone dagger with an ivory and gold-tipped pommel, complete with a black boiled leather sheath.]

[For Morgana, a delicate silver bracelet with dragons intertwined about the wrist, a series of three chains running the length of the hand and connecting to a matching silver ring. A crushed red velvet dress with a hood and golden silk lining is also for the Lady, suited for the cooler weather that has begun to set upon Anatole.]

[And for Arthur himself, an ornate steel claymore dagger, more symbolic than anyone else but them might realize. An ornate black and steel sheath accompanies it, and next to the dagger is an intricately carved pewter dragon jewelery box and a Koauau Bone Flute set, the longer one made of albatross wing-bone, and the shorter one made of dog bone. Both flutes are safely wrapped in red silks. Beneath them sit a pair of fine coats; the first is black wool and padded and the second is an embroidered golden and silk coat. A fine black wool cloak with a sturdy golden clasp sits beneath those within the tightly packed chest, and at the very bottom, a pile of books on leadership imported from various worlds, bought from Dismas merchants. Each has its own leather bound and iron fixtures protective casing.]

!isley, merlin, eddard "ned" stark, arthur pendragon, robb stark, lelouch vi britannia, priscilla

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