Second Evolutionary Imperative; Video; Mind Broadcast

Sep 17, 2011 00:26

[Sylar is sitting in a tiny shop. It's filled with clocks. But instead of how he's normally dressed, he's wearing a sweater vest, and glasses. It's kind of a Clark Kent sort of look. He's trying to focus on what he's doing, which is fixing a watch, but it's hard to concentrate. Mostly because a blonde girl, Elle, is leaning over his shoulder, running her fingers through his hair and giving him little shocks.]

Gabriel. This is boring. Why don't we do something fun.

[He looks back at her, seeming annoyed.]

I can't just skimp out on my responsibilities.

[And as if out of nowhere, another woman, a much older one comes in. There's a pair of scissors pertruding from her chest. It's his mother, Virginia.]

That's right. My Gabriel is a good boy. He always has been.

[Elle snorts]

You don't know your son well. I mean, he's kind of a geek, but good? He keeps trying but it doesn't suit him.

[Virginia takes a step closer to them now.]

He can be whatever he wants to be. He could be president.

[Another eye roll from Elle.]

He could be way more important that that. He just needs to stop being such a goody two shoes. He can do whatever he wants. I don't really think he wants to be what you want him to be.

[Virginia takes a step closer again, placing a hand on Gabriel's shoulder.]

Well what does he want to be? Gabriel, what do you want to be?

[Elle turns to look down at him. All the while he's been trying to avoid their argument. Now however, his appearance has changed, and he looks more like he normally does.]

That's right, Gabriel, let's hear it. Who do you want to be?

[He doesn't get a chance to answer. Instead, he wakes up.]

[ooc: weeee dreams. Blue = Elle, and Red = Virginia.]

dawn summers, !sylar, elle bishop, roxanne, lelouch vi britannia

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