one ; video

Sep 15, 2011 15:51

[ The feed is set on video, and you all have one very unimpressed Dean to deal with. ]

Right, okay. Let me just throw this out there right away; am I dead? 'Cause really, that wasn't the deal. [ It came due too early if that really is the case. ] And not to be nit-picky, but boy, this wasn't what I was expecting. [ Where's the hellfire and ( Read more... )

the trickster, !dean winchester, lilly rush, lady, castiel (future), asellus, miata, buffy summers, kahlan amnell, lelouch vi britannia

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video; buryindecadence September 16 2011, 04:02:52 UTC
[Well, well. Look what the enormous Door thing dragged in.]

There aren't any demons here. At least, none that I've seen.

[Cas squints into the screen, peering closely once he notices that something is a little off with the hunter... right then realizing it's not now Dean, rather not his -- the one from 2014 -- and he's not the one Zachariah tossed into his lap either.

Recognition comes in the form of slightly widening eyes and not a whole lot else.]



video; saltsandburns September 16 2011, 05:10:25 UTC
[ Urrgh, now what? ]

Woah what, buddy? You got something to say or are you just gonna stare? 'Cause that's not gonna fly.


video; buryindecadence September 16 2011, 11:05:55 UTC
Look, this is gonna sound like a weird request, but uh...

[He leans forward, brows lifting. This Dean seems... different than how he remembers him. Less broken on the inside, and his eyes don't carry that old look of a man who spent 30 years in Hell. Time to find out if this is the case.]

You don't happen to have any... bizarre burn marks on your body, right? I'm just looking for a guy who has one.


video; saltsandburns September 16 2011, 22:42:39 UTC
[ Bizarre burn marks? He makes a slight face at that. ]

Last time I checked, I definitely wasn't into that kinda shit. So no, you got the wrong guy, dude.


video; buryindecadence September 17 2011, 00:41:27 UTC
...Yeah? [Cas looks thoughtful for a moment.] Good.

So... black-eyed? You're talking about demons right?


video; saltsandburns September 17 2011, 00:43:41 UTC
[ Dean peers at the Forge for a moment and then looks a little surprised. ]

You know, you're the first person to get what I meant. [ He pauses, eyes narrowing. ] Who the hell are you exactly?


video; buryindecadence September 17 2011, 01:16:07 UTC
Name's Cas. I'm a... hunter.

[Which is somewhat true. Kinda. If you're counting 2012 on.]

I'm kind of new, though. How long have you been in the business?


video; saltsandburns September 17 2011, 04:58:13 UTC
[ Brow raise. ]

You're a hunter? Try druggie. [ But he's not gonna question beyond that. God knows they've all got their vices. ]

A while. [ He pretty much grew up a hunter after Mary died, after all. ] What about you? Not a lot of us out there, after all -- and I've definitely never heard of a Cas. [ The name's said with...all the distrust ever. ]


video; buryindecadence September 17 2011, 17:00:19 UTC
Trying to label me? [Not like he's going to deny it. Cas went for the holy trinity of vices hunters turned to as a way to cope with the stresses of the job: Sex, drugs and the ever popular, alcohol.]

Not long. It really wasn't what I had in mind to do for the rest of my life? But, uh... [He shrugs.] Them's the breaks I guess.

What's your name?


video; saltsandburns September 17 2011, 18:01:25 UTC
[ That just gets another wary look. ]

It never is. [ Anyone's plan for their life, that is.

And oh no, he's so not about to give his name to you. Though he doesn't trust anyone in this place, there are a few who just give off weirder vibes and, yeah, you guessed it, Cas is one of 'em. ]

Kris. [ Pause. ] Warren. Kris Warren. [ Yeah |: ]


video; buryindecadence September 19 2011, 02:47:55 UTC
[Shame shame, Dean... using old aliases?]

Nice to meet you, Kris. Can't say I've been at this long enough to have heard anything about you, but... kind of a moot point right now anyway, don't you think?

...Someone fill you in on this place yet?


video; saltsandburns September 19 2011, 17:28:42 UTC
[ A real shame. ]

Yeah. Some one-way Door thing-y took us, now we're stuck, the mist is bad, yadda yadda. Oh, and death isn't permanent, but there's a price for it. [ Kinda like home, if you know what you're doing. ] Did I miss anything?


video; buryindecadence September 19 2011, 21:49:41 UTC
...Death isn't permanent?!

[Apparently Cas here has learned something new today, and it's blowing his mind.]


video; saltsandburns September 19 2011, 22:02:21 UTC
Hey, don't look at me -- that's just what a couple people've been sayin'. I'm so not about to test that theory though. [ If he can help it, that is. ]


video; buryindecadence September 20 2011, 00:38:37 UTC

[Freaked out? Yes. But giving up on the facade?! HELL NO.]

...Yeah, I think I'm right there with you, Kris. I'm in no rush to experience my own demise, thank you very damn much.


video; saltsandburns September 20 2011, 00:58:27 UTC
[ ...So intense about this, Cas. ]

I don't think any sane person would be. Then again, none of this is very healthy for anyone's sanity.


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