one ; video

Sep 15, 2011 15:51

[ The feed is set on video, and you all have one very unimpressed Dean to deal with. ]

Right, okay. Let me just throw this out there right away; am I dead? 'Cause really, that wasn't the deal. [ It came due too early if that really is the case. ] And not to be nit-picky, but boy, this wasn't what I was expecting. [ Where's the hellfire and ( Read more... )

the trickster, !dean winchester, lilly rush, lady, castiel (future), asellus, miata, buffy summers, kahlan amnell, lelouch vi britannia

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[video] wotchesyou September 15 2011, 23:55:59 UTC
[ Where's Shirley. She wants to point out a proper American. =\ ]

Black-eyed sons of bitches? That's quite a phrase but no, you're not dead. I mean, you could be dead when you're from but you're definitely not dead here.

[ She's helpful. ]


[video] saltsandburns September 16 2011, 00:18:18 UTC
[ Yeah, that really doesn't help. At all. 8| Also, she gets...a look. Second pretty chick of the day (Though this one is probably a demon too)? Hell might not be so bad, after all. ]

Well, if I keep gettin' the kinda company I have so far, I might start to agree. [ Anyway. ] So what is this then? Some kinda purgatory?


[video] wotchesyou September 16 2011, 01:11:53 UTC
[ Oh, Dean. She's not a Demon. She's a witch. You like those right?

Wait. Is he hitting on her? ]

I think it's an alternate dimension or something like that. The hows and whys are a bit beyond me though.


[video] saltsandburns September 16 2011, 05:05:07 UTC
[ He sure is. Tell him about the witch bit though and it'll stop like that. ]

Right. Alternate dimension. [ He's seen and heard a lot but that? Yeaaah. ]


[video] wotchesyou September 17 2011, 05:16:45 UTC
Yeah, something like that. Time doesn't matter to the Door neither does death.

[ Which is why she'd said earlier that he could be dead back home.

Back to the black-eyed bitches thing... ]

So these black-eyed folks, any reason why you think they'd be behind this?


[video] saltsandburns September 17 2011, 05:19:28 UTC
Isn't that just dandy. [ He grunts a curse or two after that...

There's a vague shrug as he glances off for a second. ] Just happens that they usually are. Guess I was wrong this time. Not sure if that's...necessarily a good thing or not. [ Not yet, at least. ]


[video] wotchesyou September 18 2011, 02:27:00 UTC
There are loads of malicious forces in Anatole. Not many of them are black-eyed though.


[video] saltsandburns September 18 2011, 19:20:04 UTC
So in other words this place needs a clean up. Awesome. [ Sarcasm, yeah. But whatever, he considers himself pretty good at cleaning up any and all malicious forces. ]


[video] wotchesyou September 18 2011, 19:35:24 UTC
Cleaning up? Eh?

[ Tonks is not sure what to make of those words. ]

I'm not sure most of it can be cleaned up.


[video] saltsandburns September 19 2011, 17:24:25 UTC
Not sure? Well, there's only one way to find out, right? [ Smirk. ]


[video] wotchesyou September 19 2011, 17:39:11 UTC
What would you be cleaning up?


[video] saltsandburns September 19 2011, 17:53:07 UTC
Whatever it is that's really runnin' this place -- the big bad, or whatever. There's gotta be something like that lurkin' around, there always is.


[video] wotchesyou September 19 2011, 18:08:17 UTC
What are you used to dealing with? I don't think you'll have an easy go of it if you try to clean up the Mist. That's a bit impossible, really.


[video] saltsandburns September 19 2011, 18:17:55 UTC
A lot of things. [ You name it, and he's probably seen/faced it. ] Well, something's gotta be makin' the mist, right? Look, I'll find a goddamn giant fan and blow it away if I have to, but I'm not just gonna sit around.


[video] wotchesyou September 19 2011, 18:22:45 UTC
[ Let's try an experiment. ]

Vampires? Werewolves? Witches? Anything like that?

[ All of which are present in Anatole. ]


[video] saltsandburns September 19 2011, 18:25:30 UTC
[ He's not really used to talking about his job in detail, but...well, this situation is anything but normal. So after a moment, he nods slowly. ]

You're on the right tracks, sure.


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