~27~ [video] ♥ SLIGHTLY BACKDATED but lets be real, this could happen on any given day.

Sep 13, 2011 17:29

[When the Forge clicks on - set, as ever, to video - it displays only a scene of utter devastation. The inside of Dawn and Al’s little muffin shop has never looked so wrecked, even after a breakfast rush. It looks almost as if they’ve been robbed, with a chair or two upturned and a whole array of mess behind the counter as if someone had thrown everything this way or that in an attempt to find some one specific thing they had been looking for. In this instance, however, it was the muffins themselves and not the till that have been vandalized. Glass bakery cases hang open, empty of all but a few crumbs, and muffin pans have been cleaned of all their contents. All that remains is a single row of weird looking muffins, reddish with an odd texture. Only the first in the row has a bite taken out, and the rest are left untouched, the only remaining evidence that this shop normally sells muffins.

And there, in the midst of the destruction, sits a small, pink haired girl. She licks her fingers, grinning like a child with a full belly and a sugar high with face all covered with sprinkles and silver icing and muffin crumbs. She looks pretty satisfied.

Dawn, unaware at first of the state of her shop, appears in the far left of the Forge's view.]

Oh, hey Yachiru. Did you want---

[What's that on her cheek? It looks like---]

---what are you---

[Cake. Cake is everywhere. Crumbs are everywhere. Every possible color of sprinkle is right there on Yachiru's FACE.

And all of the cases are---]

Empty?! They're all---


No! Oh my god! Yachiru! All of them?! ALL. OF. THEM?! Where could you even put---

[Oh ...no.]

What are you doing?! I-is that---


[She smiles at Dawn, messy and quite pleased with herself, and rubs her tummy.]

Those were really good! Do you have any more, Muffy?

More?! And I'm not Muffy, I'm Dawn---

---completely out of everything but the ones that Spike eats.

[Visibly pacing behind Yachiru, a shell shocked expression on her face.]

You even ate the chinese food ones.

And Al's not here, and I have to---

---did you seriously ask for more? You ate like, a hundred muffins. And the cupcakes! Do you know how long it took me to frost those? I did it myself!

[Dawn is not smiling.

But Yachiru is. She's just grinning away and licking said frosting off of her fingers while she half-listens to Dawn go on.]

I know! I could help you make some more, Muffy!

[She means it, if only because she is still hungry and wants to eat whatever they make. And with that, Yachiru picks up the Forge and, without ever really noticing it was broadcasting, unceremoniously shuts it off.]

[ooc: Dawn is green and Yachiru is pink]

nymphadora tonks, xerxes break, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, !yachiru kusajishi, rukia kuchiki, trevor belmont, !dawn summers

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