Retrace 10 || [Voice]

Aug 26, 2011 19:50

[At first, there is nothing but the sound of voracious chewing. OMNOMNOM. Then a swallow. Then more chewing. Then a slurping of some sort of beverage. And then, finally, Break speaks.]

Good eeeeeevening, Anatole! I hope you all are well. Particularly after these last few trying weeks! Heehee.

I would like to ask you a question. Or take a poll, if you will~! It is a very important poll, and your participation is imperative for its scientific success!

[Pause for dramatic effect. There is a loud crunching on a piece of hard candy.]

How many of you are grown men who like sweets?

You see, I was told by a very serious young gentleman that only little girls like sweets! You can imagine how shocked and appalled I was, being neither, and yet they remain one of my most faaavorite things! I know I mustn't be the only one.

[Another pause for unwrapping of candy, then he speaks with his mouth partially full.]

You know, I've been thinking a lot lately about the things I want. If I want sweets, I should be able to have sweets, shouldn't I?

Buuuuut some things you can never have, no matter how deep and true your desire may be. Like, say, keeping a promise to someone. Someone who isn't here, and may never arrive and even if said person did, the situation here makes it absolutely impossible to fulfill said promise. Do you understand what I mean?

And what if this was your only reason for living. What then? Ahahaha. Then that just makes you a sad and lonely person, doesn't it?

[A hard swallow.]

The things I want are no longer the things I thought I wanted. It's a bit of a conundrum, actually. It's enough to make a man wonder why he's even alive, given what he does and doesn't deserve.


And thaaaaat's why one can never have too many sweets!

juushirou ukitake, nymphadora tonks, !xerxes break, quorra, jin uzuki, trickster, yachiru kusajishi, -minievent: lust, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, mei chan, nill

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