First Evolutionary Imperative; Video

Aug 25, 2011 16:57

[The feed opens up to show a somewhat agitated man wearing sweats and a white tank top.So I've gotten the basics here so far. Big archway called the Door that brings everyone here. People come from all sorts of different worlds. This place is called Anatole right? I know, normally people come in and want everything explained to them but what can I ( Read more... )

raphael, mohinder suresh, nymphadora tonks, stephanie brown, faith lehane, gin ichimaru, dawn summers, !sylar, elle bishop, lust, bellatrix lestrange, lelouch vi britannia

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[video] girl_unlocking August 26 2011, 01:21:40 UTC
Some people think it's the Twins. Like, maybe the Door runs on blonde creeper batteries? I dunno. Everyone's got a theory...

[There is a pause here, as she waits to see if she is going to sing. Maybe about bunnies. Please, no. When she doesn't, there's a little sigh of relief.] I just think it likes to mess with people. It definitely isn't powered by puppies or cupcakes or...

...minding it's business and staying out of people's dreams.

Welcome to they puzzley mess that's Anatole.

Also, there are cannibals. I don't know if that's covered in the basics.


Re: [video] specialmonster August 26 2011, 02:47:37 UTC
The twins? I'm afraid I didn't hear about them yet.

Things like this are rarely powered by puppies or cupcakes or rainbows and dreams for that matter.

...What do you mean by staying out of people's dreams?

It wasn't.


[video] girl_unlocking August 26 2011, 03:03:25 UTC
There's this whole thing where the Forges, which are named after a guy---

---but you probably read that too, and he's not here---

---they like to turn themselves on every month or so barge in on people dreams. Sometimes memories. A-and thoughts. It sucks.

There's this other thing where some elves live way out in the mist and have crazy poison darts and magic. Not Tolkien elves, and not Keebler, either.

They don't like long walks on the beach, or making friends, but their interests include bleeding, shooting their own kind, and trying to eat us. Consider yourself lucky that's...

...not happening right now.

The Twins? They're mysterious and generally not see-able. But they had a party once. Invited people to...

...the Forge is full of maps. Their manor's on it. That's where the party was. I don't know what their deal is. Besides ominous.


[video] specialmonster August 26 2011, 09:49:02 UTC
They can enter our minds? And there's no way to stop it? [It doesn't sit well with Sylar at all. Psychics were bad enough.]

A few people have mentioned the elves. Can't say I'm sad I missed that.

...This is all more vague than helpful, you do realize?


[video] girl_unlocking August 26 2011, 12:14:55 UTC
It doesn't happen to everyone, though. Which is actually more vague, isn't it? So far no one's figured out a way to stop it other than just being lucky.

At least it's not mind control, because that would be...

...well, actually that's happened too.


It's not official or anything, and in no way am I starting up Welcoming Committee Central, but I can bring you a less vague and more chocolatey gift basket if you want. And if food isn't helpful enough, there's a few ivories in it.

Dawn Summers, by the way. Bearer of vague news and baked goods.


Re: [video] specialmonster August 26 2011, 12:38:06 UTC
....I wouldn't say no to chocolate. [Which is to say...he's a glutton. He gets ~the hunger~ in more than one way.]

Gabriel Gray.


omg that icon! oh, also video 1/2 girl_unlocking August 27 2011, 23:46:33 UTC
Well it's good that I'm bringing a basket full, then. It'd be awkward to have to stand outside and eat this offering of peace and calories by myself.


[video 2/2] girl_unlocking August 27 2011, 23:50:32 UTC
And I didn't mean to imply that I'm barging in or being all up in your face when I don't even know you, because really it's just a drive-by basketing. Can't be too careful after the whole serial killer liarjerkface thing.

No offense.



[video] specialmonster August 28 2011, 00:17:14 UTC
[Yeah...not going to mention that....many people might describe him as a serial killer. And liar. and probably worse than just a jerk face.]

None taken.


[video] girl_unlocking August 28 2011, 03:19:45 UTC
See you in five!


...okay maybe ten. You're in the Outlander apartments, right? I can meet you out front, where it's all safe and public.


[video] specialmonster August 29 2011, 11:08:37 UTC
Yes. I'm there now.


[action!] girl_unlocking August 29 2011, 23:31:59 UTC
[Derping your way and stopping to headtilt at the only guy standing in the area looking ...possibly expectant.]


[but then she's not sure if he's a Gabe kind of guy so she just sort of hastily tacks on the rest of the syllables.] ...riel?


[action!] specialmonster August 30 2011, 02:13:08 UTC
Gabriel. Not Gabe. Gabriel.

You must be Dawn.


[action!] girl_unlocking August 31 2011, 23:47:13 UTC
Gabriel. Like the angel, huh? I like it. It's kinda superheroey. Gabriel Gray. You'd be surprised at all the superheroey names around here. Or maybe not, since you seem pretty nonplussed about the whole 'kicked-through-a-door' thing.

I was pretty freaked out when it happened to me, and lived on a Hellmouth.

And I am. Dawn, I mean.

[HOlding it out!]

Have a basket, Gabriel. And sorry again about the vague.


Re: [action!] specialmonster September 1 2011, 01:24:06 UTC
[Maya had said that, like the Angel and he couldn't help but chuckle at the irony now just as he had then.]

Just like the angel.

[A curious brow.]

What's a hellmouth?

[And he takes the basket...and takes no time to start stuffing his face. So classy.]


[action!] girl_unlocking September 4 2011, 18:53:20 UTC
It's a good thing to be named after. Better than a demon! Which is a workable segue into Hellmouthiness. A Hellmouth is like the Door, kind of. Only it pretty much just attracts monsters. Demons? Check. Vampires? Check. General supernatural craziness? Triple threat of check.

It's like a three ring circus of 'oh my god'.

Transdimensional travel must make people hungry. Or is that interdimensional travel?


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