First Psalm (video, broadcast mind)

Aug 19, 2011 20:15

There's a sword in your hand. It fits there. It's perfect there, like an extention of your arm. You're back to back with someone you love dearly, his hair several shades paler, but with the same gold tones as your own. He's weaker at swordplay than you are, but he's holding his own against the robbers that had set upon your carriage. He wanted to know what the king decreed, and you're still mulling over how to tell him.

You're transported back to that room in the palace in Versailles. Facing down the king, informing him of your upcoming nuptials and knowing as he stares at your bodice that he knows exactly why you're getting married after over a decade of sin. You hear his refusal. You hear his judgement that a while a lady of his court shouldn't lower herself to marrying Maximilien Robespierre, he won't force you to break off the engagement.

Probably, he knows you'd marry anyway.

"Maximilien!" You warn him without thinking as someone approaches his blindspot. But you're already turning, blade running clean through his ribcage. You turn again only to realize you've disabled or killed all of the would-be thieves.

Maximilien Robespierre laughs and gives you a kiss, taking your hand to help you back into the carriage. Your mind is still back in Versailles, your body still collapsed into the perfect courtsey. And as the king tells you how unsuited your lover is for you, you can only answer "Glory to Louis XIV who is in God's grace. God save the king."

-event: broadcast mind, roxanne, angel, !lia de beaumont

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