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(troll forever) infidus August 22 2011, 22:14:56 UTC
You certainly have an interesting and illuminating mind, Isley.


(go live under a bridge where you belong then, trollytroll) swordofthenorth August 22 2011, 22:25:17 UTC
Is that so?


nonsense, what would you do without me. ^_^ infidus August 23 2011, 00:30:41 UTC
It is. After all, one would not necessarily assume that you were the sort to call a woman home.

I hadn't realized you were so attached to her.



why, all the things of course~ swordofthenorth August 23 2011, 00:37:37 UTC
Playing the part of the fool does not suit you, Aizen.


Tch. You'd be bored and flailing within a week. 9_9 infidus August 23 2011, 01:04:45 UTC
Yes, I suppose that's true.

Still, I will admit to being somewhat surprised by the intensity of your feelings, considering that you were unwilling to bargain with me to protect her.

[What's the private feature? There is no private feature.]


Bored, not flailing. Possibly crushing things. Or sucking marrow out of bones... swordofthenorth August 23 2011, 01:12:08 UTC
She does not require protection, least of all in that way.


Well, that would be reasonable entertainment, at least. infidus August 23 2011, 07:06:27 UTC
From me? You certainly think highly of a creature your own heart describes as less than.


For a time it would suffice. swordofthenorth August 23 2011, 20:50:36 UTC
Have you never known someone lesser, who possessed a potential even greater than you imagined? That limitless potential to become more is hers.


And then bored again! infidus August 23 2011, 23:22:09 UTC
So I have. [Indeed, it was for that reason that he once compared that girl to Ichigo.]

Of course, such potential is useful only if one has the time to bring it to fruition. And it is wasted on the dead, as are all things.

[a short pause and a gentle chuckle.]

Fortunately, savagery is not my way.


Perpetually bored, I'm afraid. It comes with age. swordofthenorth August 24 2011, 15:16:08 UTC
[He will permit Aizen to underestimate him for now. It is a mild form of entertainment.]

I suppose you're correct. It isn't as though we coexist in a city where the dead continuously rise, live again, and even return with their memories intact.

[Oh wait, we do! I guess things aren't wasted on them after all.]

[And it isn't as though Priscilla's full potential couldn't be realized in a flick of your pesky forelock, a coming to fruition that would devastate Anatole if left unchecked.]

How fortunate I am that you are such a gentleman, Aizen.

[On the surface. Beneath it? I do not doubt that your savagery could rival my own.]


Yes, I know, being an old man myself. infidus August 24 2011, 16:33:08 UTC
Even if we were to coexist in such a city, there are always ways around these things. But, of course, I'm sure someone such as yourself is aware of that.

As well as the fact that there are infinitely more terrible things than death.

[For example, I could always draw her into my shikai and turn all of her senses off entirely. Or do so, and then force replace your presence with the illusion of my own. Wouldn't that be... interesting?]

Well, in any case. I wasn't necessarily referring to you as the fortunate one.


swordofthenorth August 24 2011, 17:47:51 UTC
In any case, this chat has been pleasant.

We should try it face to face sometime.


infidus August 24 2011, 21:42:31 UTC
I suppose that would be possible. Although I believe we've already examined the library, and we've established your dislike for tea.


swordofthenorth August 24 2011, 21:46:54 UTC
I dislike your tea. I find it rather bland.


DON'T INSULT MY TEA BIOTCH infidus August 24 2011, 22:06:08 UTC
Perhaps you'd like it flavored with flesh?


DON'T MAKE IT SO EASY TO INSULT THEN swordofthenorth August 24 2011, 22:11:12 UTC
Actually, I was thinking that a hint of raspberry might suffice.


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