19. [Video]

Aug 14, 2011 21:33

[Aizen stands above the city, a war raging in the streets beneath him. As it happens, for the moment he remains largely... uninvolved.]

The mythology of the living portions of my world were quite taken with the idea of elves. Often, they have been seen as good creatures - in tune with nature, for example, and attuned to magic. Artists, bowmen, beautiful and magical and wise.

I wonder. Did these creatures begin that way? Perhaps it is simply the nature of all beings to draw inexorably closer to madness, and destruction, and war. And when they do, the city will always burn.

...fortunate, I suppose, that it heals itself.

[Fortunate and strange. Odd how no one's ever thought to test the extent of that healing.]

[He sighs.]

When this last occurred, it was between those called the Scorched themselves - a battle, one might say, between demons. Or Gods. ...some more literal than others. In that time, there was both chaos and loss. An inescapable effect of... nature.

All things that live claw and scrape and bleed, and die.

[A slight pause.]

...well. Perhaps not all.

[He starts to walk now, on the air itself. You can hear the wind, and the crack of magic beneath him, around him. As though he is walking through a storm.]

[In some ways, he is.]

[For a moment, the angle of the Forge allows you a glimpse of what seems to be some sort of... shimmering glass container, currently holding black mist. And nothing else, it seems.]

Though, I suppose if we redefine blood to be, rather than a specific substance, instead the essence of a thing - if we allow metaphor to overcome literal definitions, then there are far fewer exceptions. All things considered.

[A long silence... and then he finally gets to the point.]

I believe that man called Yazoo has passed from this world. Consider this the marker of his passage.

[Not that Aizen is sentimental, but Yazoo did perform a number of services for him, so. Let it be known, at least.]

[ooc: ;~;]

the trickster, !sousuke aizen, deneve, gin ichimaru

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