Aug 14, 2011 16:54

[The video clicks on to Reid, sitting at a desk, his hands folded in front of him. He looks calm, the direness of the situation enabling him to hold his nerves at bay. This is far beyond his comfort zone, but it was necessary, something he had unwittingly signed up for when he had all but took over command of the Police Force in Byakuya's absence.

This would show him to keep his mouth shut next time.

He hoped there wasn't one.]

This is Doctor Spencer Reid, again, of the Police Division of the Patrol. As I'm sure everyone is aware, we've been dealing with a series of mass disappearances as of late.

I am here to brief you all on the status of our investigation and to bring you up to date with the information we have.

[JJ, you better be proud of him, dammit, even if you are back home and have no clue that this is happening]

It has come to our attention that these disappearances are, in fact, the work of a group of beings encamped out in the mist. Warriors who are currently hunting us for food. We have various reports from people who have escaped their encampment, and have spoken to us about a large yard of human bones, which appeared to be gnawed upon, the smell of roasted flesh and their campfire.

[Takes a moment, lets that all sink in.]

We believe that they aren't human, and witnesses have reported that they spoke of retaining magic and being impervious to the effects of the mist. One description had them bleeding from the eyes as well. They are hunting us from the rooftops with what appear to either be arrows or darts.

The Police Force is working in conjunction with the Patrol in order to apprehend these individuals and bring back those of us who are missing.

I ask all citizens, whether they be Scorched or Native, to please keep a look out. Don't travel alone and pay attention to your surroundings. Any and all information and/or sightings can be reported to either myself or any member of the Patrol or Police Force.

faith lehane, !spencer reid, gin ichimaru

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