18. Voice

Aug 08, 2011 00:11

It certainly has calmed down now that the infestation of children has reached its end. Personally, I find the relative silence quite gratifying... though relative is, of course, the key term. The coming of warm weather always seems to inspire chatter and discontent.

...which bring to mind the faint memory of ice during off-seasons. I quite miss it, I think. I wouldn't call it nostalgia, though I remember enjoying the sight during the many... many times when Toshiro decided to show his bankai for whatever reason he had dreamt up at the time. [...usually trying to kill Aizen, but let's ignore that.] I remember quite clearly his kindness in bringing the scenery of wintertime to the heart of summer at least once... though he was perhaps less than enthusiastic to have done so.

These things are understandable, but even so it occurs to me that I haven't seen his work of late. I wonder if that indicates that he's growing complacent? That would be a shame. Such a brilliant power for so young a warrior.

Then again, perhaps it simply means that he's taken to spending his days frequenting brothels with Momo?

[Yup, he sure was keeping an eye on you two.]

I suppose even the young must find some means of entertaining themselves.

[Private to Ichigo]

...Speaking of complacency, how have your studies gone recently?

[Private to Those In Aizen's Employ (You know who you are)]

As it happens, I intend to be busy for the remainder of the evening. However, I do have a number of things to discuss with you upon my return.

For example, I've taken an interest in studying the nature of the various abilities here that are not native to our world. Consider this:

[He flicks on video... and currently appears to be holding a cylindrical tank containing a woman's arm. There's a finger missing, but hey - if you look behind him, you can probably see the finger floating in a smaller tank. Assuming it's hers and not someone else's! You never know. Because there are other arms back there, too.]

The arm of a woman from some unknown world, and yet this arm alone contains greater power than a substantial number of shinigami or hollows from our world. Impressive enough in itself, but she is, while remarkable, not entirely unique.

I require blood or tissue samples from a number of unique individuals here. I will prepare a list as soon as possible, though you are welcome to be proactive on your own time, as well.

And Gin, do make sure the creatures in the basement do not go unfed while I am out.

[Private to Isley]

My thanks for the charming outing. I do hope that whatever prickly rock worked its way into your boot during that Forge conversation works its way free as soon as possible.

momo hinamori, juushirou ukitake, ichigo kurosaki, hitsugaya toshiro, isley, !sousuke aizen, lelouch vi britannia, ulquiorra cifer

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