[ 54 - teen!accidental video ]

Aug 03, 2011 00:29

[The video comes on with a clatter--its owner seems to have knocked the nightstand on which it was kept. The feed, despite the awkward angle, shows said owner clearly, and it is not a child this time, but a teenager. He's still young, not even eighteen, but in his eyes are both unbearable weight, and terror of one who thought he was going to die.

The scar on his forehead may be familiar to those in Anatole who remain adults, but it is not healed and faded as it is when he is an adult. The scar is that of a severe burn, dark and fresh, crisscrossing over his face--it would seem a miracle his eyes were not damaged.

A miracle, or perhaps precision, in fact.]

H-he's gone...? We're...


[There is a brief moment of relief and the expression makes his face look a decade older than it should be, but then he looks around properly.]



Wh...where....what happened--



[This is where the older younger Scar starts to panic and flail almost wildly around--

--at least until he catches sight of his own right arm. There's dead silence for a couple of moments before an ear-splitting scream sounds over the Forge.

The feed cuts out.]

edward elric, shirley, mei, lust, !scar

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