❀six [video]

Aug 01, 2011 23:40

[ the video feed clicks on to the sight of a very... distressed looking Hinamori, lips pulled into a frown and eyes almost comically wide. ]

Ahahahaha. I was just thinking about home, and how strange this all is...! I guess I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I only intended to take a short walk around the city, honest! But, I think I went a little... farther than expected.

[ Pause, where she bites her lip and looks away from the camera, having an internal flail session. ] I wonder if this is another place all together, the feel is different.

[ Hmmm, she looks around wondering if she can find an exit, when she suddenly backs into something very... solid. She makes a startled noise, before turning around to face someone with similar musculature to Fabio Lanzoni. ]

Ah, I'm sorry, please forgive me! I wasn't paying attention...!

[ The man gives a deep-throated chuckle, before leaning down to whisper something in her ear that's unintelligible to anyone watching, though, you can probably guess what it might be by the shade of red that Hinamori turns in response. ]

I think that -- this must be a misunderstanding!

[ a quirk of an eyebrow from the man before : ] Well, what did you come to a brothel for then, missy?

[ There's a pointed moment of silence from both parties, and the camera zooms out to show that Hinamori has indeed wandered herself into a brothel. Another whole moment dedicated to sputtering, and then a horrified squeak. ]

A brothel?!!

[ the feed cuts to static and then times out. ]

juushirou ukitake, !momo hinamori, -event: turn back the clock

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