[ Video ] 4th Roar

Aug 01, 2011 22:21

[ The Forge clicks on to show the interior of a jail cell. Freya is sitting against the wall of the cell, near the bars, occasionally looking out. Her expression is torn between depressed and resigned. ]

... it's damp here. And quiet.

I've lost track of the days. What day is it? ... I guess it doesn't matter. It was...is...nice that the guards gave my Forge back.

[ She hunches a bit, making herself small. ]

He didn't come today either. I thought... he was the last person that would just... [ Abandon her. She can't bring herself to say the words. Can't bring herself to think them. She's silent for a long moment, rubbing her face against her arms. ]

... Maybe he doesn't want to...

[ No, not Merlin. There had to be another reason. He wasn't like those others... right? She lifts her head, looking tiredly, anxiously into the Forge. ]

Did ... something happen? [ Please please please? Surely that's why Merlin hasn't visited in days... maybe he was hurt. Maybe he... he was gone. Maybe... ]

juushirou ukitake, !freya, river tam, merlin

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