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[ voice ] swordofmiltia July 30 2011, 07:37:09 UTC
No, you probably don't, but such choices have been taken from us.


[ voice ] to_theotherside July 31 2011, 23:31:28 UTC

And just what is that supposed to mean?


[ voice ] swordofmiltia August 3 2011, 08:30:04 UTC
It means just as it sounds, I'm afraid. Anatole is an inescapable city and whether you like it or not, this is where you are.


[ voice ] to_theotherside August 3 2011, 15:54:29 UTC
I've already been through this with others. Of course there's a way out. There's always a way out. It just depends on whether you are willing to take the risks necessary to find it.


[ voice ] swordofmiltia August 3 2011, 20:06:22 UTC
And you are willing to take whatever risks necessary?


[ voice ] to_theotherside August 3 2011, 23:32:27 UTC
[There's a bit of a grave pause on his end.]

That's right.


[ voice ] swordofmiltia August 6 2011, 04:16:57 UTC
That's quite the dangerous line of thinking.

[ Very dangerous. And people like that are definitely not his favorite people. ]


[ voice ] to_theotherside August 6 2011, 13:31:02 UTC
[A sound of annoyance.]

Not you as well. Is this a dimension full of condescending cowards? It's no wonder none of you ever leave.


[ voice ] swordofmiltia August 7 2011, 01:22:50 UTC
Caution and cowardice are two different things. Not all risks are worth the final result.

Especially if that result doesn't get you anywhere.


[ voice ] to_theotherside August 7 2011, 05:14:04 UTC
And how do you know for certain the effort will be fruitless?


[ voice ] swordofmiltia August 9 2011, 05:56:52 UTC
How do you know for certain that you will get any results?


[ voice ] to_theotherside August 9 2011, 17:24:12 UTC
Because it's a better option than admitting failure from the start. I'd rather regret something I did than something I was too cowardly to pursue.


[ voice ] swordofmiltia August 10 2011, 04:58:16 UTC
You seem to misunderstand the practice of caution. Testing theories and proving there is a chance is far more useful than throwing caution to the wind and failing.


[ voice ] to_theotherside August 10 2011, 16:50:13 UTC
... I am plenty cautious.

[However, his defensive tone seems to suggest the opposite.]


[ voice ] swordofmiltia August 11 2011, 03:50:08 UTC

[ Not agreement, not suspicion. Simply a sound of thought. Not that he believes what he's heard. ]

Is that so? Then you'll do well to exercise it here. There are some things even taking a few risks won't change.


[ voice ] to_theotherside August 12 2011, 16:00:25 UTC
I guess only time will tell which things those are.


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