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Jul 25, 2011 20:26

[The picture's upside-down at first, and in extreme closeup, showing just one eye. Then it rights itself and pulls back, to reveal a very small Andalite ( Read more... )

the trickster, elfangor-sirinial-shamtul, !aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, buffy summers, shirley, -event: turn back the clock

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pratservant July 26 2011, 14:45:10 UTC
...What are you?


moarnomsplz July 27 2011, 02:25:15 UTC
< What are you? You are human, aren't you? >

[Ax has only met one before, that he remembers.]


pratservant July 27 2011, 23:21:07 UTC
That's right. My name is Merlin.


moarnomsplz July 29 2011, 00:02:19 UTC
< You're smaller than the other one. >


pratservant July 29 2011, 18:06:19 UTC
Probably because I'm not grown up yet. Is that why you're small too?


moarnomsplz July 30 2011, 03:34:17 UTC
< I am not that small! >

[It doesn't seem likely that Ax's fur will un-fluff any time soon.]

< But I am not an adult yet, no. >

[He has hardly been away from his scoop, in fact, though he has been curious about what lies beyond it.]

< What's it like where you live? >


pratservant July 31 2011, 03:23:55 UTC
Well, at least I can see you. That's something.

Do you have a mum? And I'm from the country. Do you know what that is?


moarnomsplz July 31 2011, 03:38:47 UTC
< Yes, I have a mother. >

[And he is trying to ignore a desire to run to her and hide behind her.]

< My people live in the country. We had cities once, but they were too dirty and yucky.

How do you see behind yourself with those weird eyes? >


pratservant July 31 2011, 03:41:07 UTC
[It's okay, Merlin wants to do the same thing. Well, except with his own Mother.]

Do you miss her?

[He frowns a bit.]

Don't worry, you'll see her again.

[The question catches him a little off-guard though. Merlin blinks before turning his head to look back over his shoulder.]

Like that?


moarnomsplz July 31 2011, 03:45:57 UTC
< Yes. And my father. >

[His stalk eyes twist downward when he admits this, but the human's behavior is so odd that Ax can't be sad for long, and he is reassured by what he says.]

< That is so complicated! I do it like this! >

[He turns his stalk eyes to see behind him.]

< How are you not falling over all the time? >


pratservant July 31 2011, 04:01:12 UTC
You have a father?

[Well, most of his kind do too. But not Merlin.]

What's he like?

[Merlin blinks, looking impressed at the little eye demonstration. There's a sheepish giggle at the question though.]

Actually, I do fall over. Quite a bit.


moarnomsplz August 1 2011, 02:00:06 UTC
< Everyone has a father! Even if they do not know them.

Mine is... > [He ducks his head, and looks down with his stalk eyes, thinking of how his father calls him Aximili-kala, which Ax usually pretends to object to, but right now would very much like to hear again.]

< He is kind, and he expects a great deal of me. >

[He smiles with his eyes at Merlin's admission, glad of the distraction from his homesickness.]

< Two is not a sensible number of legs! You cannot help it. I have four, as you see, and I. I still fall over sometimes. >


pratservant August 2 2011, 02:02:47 UTC
He sounds nice. I've never met my father. I don't even know his name. I'd like to think he's kind as well.

[A grin returns to his lips.]

I fear if I had four legs, I'd just fall down twice as much!


moarnomsplz August 2 2011, 03:51:17 UTC
< Why do you not know him? Has he gone to fight in a war? >

[This is the only reason Ax can think of for a father not being with his son.

He feels sad for him, but has to give a silent laugh at the human's last comment.]

< You would get used to it! I am not sure I would ever get used to just two. >


pratservant August 3 2011, 02:12:11 UTC
I don't know where he went. My mother never talks about him.

Have you ever tried? Maybe you could! And then I could crawl around on all fours!


moarnomsplz August 3 2011, 04:12:22 UTC
[Ax laughs again. It is a funny idea, to think of humans trying to walk on their arms and legs.]

< I can stand up like this! >

[He rears up on his back legs, but he can only do it for a second, and lands precariously back on all fours, trying to keep his arms from flailing too much as he regains his balance.]

< Maybe your father is doing something top secret. >


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