[Broadcast Mind]

Jul 17, 2011 19:21

[There's nothing but blackness for now, the only sound that can be heard is the high pitched sound of a bone chilling scream. Then darkness turns into light. Light fades into the next scene that can be viewed through-out the forge.

A dimly light room and a small black hair child, the room itself looks reatively normal...that is until one notices the blood staining the entire floor and a corspe or two lying around, possible of both a male and a female. Upon getting a closer look at the child one will also notice she too is dretched in blood, the face can't really be seen but it's obvious to tell she's crying. Shaking and shivering the girl looks up, but the view is soon obscured by a tall dark figure clothed in black.

A boney hand reaches for her and without a word pulls her along with him, she gasps from both shear surprise and fear.

There's blackness again.

"We found her alone in her house, apparently her enitre family was killed by yoma."

"This one will do just fine then," A voice chuckles. "bring her over so we can complete the next one. Experimenting is best done when it's efficent."

"Yes...just hurry it up."

The dream appruptly ends. Another scream, a cry for help, can be heard before it does so.]

-event: broadcast mind, !yuma

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