SEVENTEEN (broadcast mind)

Jul 17, 2011 19:52

["The children! God, save the children!" It's the voice of a woman from far off, and the noise causes someone in the rushing crowd to jerk around and frantically look around. A young girl with matted brown hair suddenly darts in the opposite direction, toward the halting screams of agony.

"N-no!" Heaving, sweating, trembling. The girl then beholds a sight to remember. No, not Yoma. Men. Men with evil eyes. They are-

"Yo." Large arms grasp around her, and the girl screams in fear. The woman -the woman with her hair and her eyes- is sprawled on the ground, a pool of blood quickly running out from under her still body.

"I... I don't want to die. I don't want to die!" Those arms, those terrifying arms, turn into hands, hands that steal the air from her lungs.


Then you see the same town. There is the stench of beginning decay. Bodies lay among so many others, many whom are so deformed that it's hard to assume they were once even human.

A cough sounds from the stillness of death, and there is the girl again, wheezing, sobbing.

Sometimes monsters aren't made from science but rather the heart.

-event: broadcast mind, !clarice

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