[ 45 - video ]

Jul 13, 2011 01:50

[The feed starts, and Kaien can be seen on his bed in his apartment, a small black rabbit curled up on his chest. To those paying close attention, the shinigami might seem a little...down.

He even sounds a little distant when he speaks.]

If you had the choice...would you rather go home, or stay here in Anatole?

[Kaien's message is short, today. He regards the feed for a few more moments, then quietly shuts it off.]

spike, juushirou ukitake, xerxes break, rukia kuchiki, isley, lust, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, arthur pendragon, sebastian michaelis, the trickster, wesley wyndam-pryce, rex salazar, hitsugaya toshiro, lucian, priscilla, !kaien shiba

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