[ video ] ► three

Jul 12, 2011 02:06

[ Sunset finds Ukitake to be settled upon a rooftop (is it one you happen to recognize, perchance?), sitting in seiza as the heat of the day wanes, brown eyes diligently overlooking the city. In light of recent events, he has forgone wearing both captain's haori and shihakusho in favor of donning a white, button-up shirt and dark dress slacks, his hair tied back at the nape of his neck.

Today, he's a little more than nostalgic.

In one hand, there is a glass, half-full with what could only be some brand of liquor. Off to the side, there is a bottle. And on his lips, a toast, carried away by the wind: ]

Be it the 8th Division's barracks, a ramshackle tavern, or upon a rooftop such as this... wherever you may be, I hope that you're dancing.

Happy birthday, old friend.

[ The glass is raised, and a drink is taken. Clearly though, it's not the first of the evening, and it certainly won't be the last. Ukitake, for one, is surprisingly good at holding his alcohol.

Then, more audibly - ]

How is everyone fairing, in the wake of the rally? The manner in which it came to a close... was unprecedented, to say the very least. Perhaps undeserved, as well.

I've found myself wondering if any Scorched laid witness to the event, either in disguise or from afar. Another set of eyes is precisely what we need, at the moment.

[ Finished with speaking, the video pans back out to the sunset he'd very much like to share, lingering in a steady capture until the feed times out. ]

(ooc: herp derp, backdated to early-evening-ish on the 11th! fail mun is fail at timing.)

the trickster, gokudera hayato, momo hinamori, xerxes break, hitsugaya toshiro, sousuke aizen, rukia kuchiki, yachiru kusajishi, lust, !juushirou ukitake, verity kindle

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