Jul 08, 2011 19:49

[The video starts with the view of what is clearly a modern television newsroom with the Trickster wearing a suit and sitting behind a large desk with a stack of papers sitting in front of him. The set looks just like any other low budget local news station, complete with a screen in the background showing a logo. Trickster looks right into the camera and starts using a fake announcer voice]

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program for this breaking news announcement. Chaos erupts downtown as the protest rally gains steam. The protesters claim that the Scorched [cough] are ruining their lives. Blah Blah et cetera Blah. Let's go to the scene where Bob has the story. Take it away, Bob.

[The camera switches to showing an aerial view of a good-sized crowd surrounding a small platform, more people trickling in by the minute. The Trickter is standing on a balcony with the crowd several stories below him, camera angled down to capture them in the shot. This time he's wearing a tight black shirt and his hair is inexplicably silver]

Bob reporting from the scene. The crowd is growing and while there is no sign of violent outbreaks, the speakers addressing the crowd haven't been shy about about their views. Many have shared stories of loved ones lost to the monsters and the infiltrators. It could become very dangerous for any Scorched who approach the crowd as tensions rise in this conflicted region.

[The camera pans the crowd, several signs and banners prominently displayed]

[Camera split screens with one Trickster on each side]

Tell me, Bob, are you worried about the size of the crowd gathering there? What's the mood of the protesters?

Well, boss, the crowd seems to still be growing and while there is an undercurrent of anger and resentment, it has remained civil. Boring~

Do you think you could get closer to the action, Bob? Interview some of the moro--... citizens.

Sure thing, boss! [jumps off the balcony and lands on the ground like a cat, the camera hovers in the air and follows him as he approaches a man near the back of the crowd]

Hello there~ So can you tell me why you're such a hate-filled asshole?

[the man glares and turns back into the crowd and others start eying our daring reporter with malice]

No? We've got quite the colorful crowd here, boss. While most seem to be paying attention to the speechify-ing, there are those who appear to be here for the fun of it. Though what fun can be had in a mob like this is beyond me. It's not like there's even a catering service for the event. Where are the police and crowd control? It wouldn't take much for this group  of geniuses to get their riot mob on.

[a few more crowd shots with many ridiculous signs that have appeared]

Thanks, Bob! And now to Candice for the weather~!

[The scene switches yet again to a gorgeous blond woman who looks suspiciously like a Price is Right model with a cheery picture of a sun behind her. She poses and flips her hair vapidly.]

Hello, beautiful Anatole! Today the weather will be sunny with a slight chance of rain overnight. Look out for that mist! [giggles and camera back to Trickster]

That's all for our breaking news update. Tune in again later after these messages from our sponsors.

[A commercial for Coke starts airing - the one with Santa and polar bears, the only thing different about it is Trickster's face underneath the beard instead of the jolly apple-cheeked man. After the commercial the image cuts out]

nymphadora tonks, lilly rush, heine rammsteiner, !the trickster, angel, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, lelouch vi britannia, nill

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