[ accidental video ] ► two

Jun 26, 2011 22:40

[ The video feed starts abruptly with a loud, sudden crash! of noise. The Forge has taken quite a tumble to the ground, and is currently providing a stellar view of an overturned table, the angle only somewhat awkward. Then, a voice sounds, though its owner remains unseen, bemused and carrying a slight rasp. ]

A-ah! That's hardly necessary, there's a reasonable explanation for this, I'm sure - perhaps it's best that we discuss the matter while sitting down? [ So no other innocent piece of furniture will be made airborne, preferably. ]

[ There's the telltale screech! of furniture dragging against hardwood paneled floor as the woman kicks at something else entirely and raises her hand, drawing attention to the bright red string they both share. ] How in the hell are we supposed to figure this out?! [ She growls at him under her breath, giving the chair in question a final kick (for good measure) before sitting down. ]

Calmly and rationally, of course.

[ Or at least, one could hope. He offers her a smile, strained but not forced, and closes the distance between himself and the table with measured strides. Moving to set it right, he briefly looks back over his shoulder, as though he were greatly concerned that his guest would not be able to sit still for more than a moment. ] Now, what did you say your name was, Miss?

[ Still ignoring him to a degree, the trainer huffs before she looks to him with a severely vexed expression. ] Beast.

[ It's more than apparent that she's in no mood to really talk, but she can't seem to get herself to leave, either. ]

[ ... Ukitake starts, lofting an eyebrow in curiosity. Almost, he asks her about the origin of her name, but stops himself short. ] Beast-san, then. It's a pleasure, despite the rather unusual circumstances. [ Never in his life, did he think he'd find a woman like her on his doorstep. ] It isn't every day that I'm blessed with such... spirited company.

[ He hovers by the table, unsure of exactly how to proceed, but when he spots the Forge on the floor, he reaches for it. How did that manage to get there? ] Tell me, are you fond of tea? [ Tea is both the solution and the great unifier, clearly. ]

[ Beast just rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest, staring at the other with dark red eyes. ] Sure... I like tea.

[ Beast looks to the Forge and sighs, already assuming people may be watching. ]

[ On the other hand, it's news to Ukitake that the Forge is on, the video feed running even now that the Forge is within his grasp, an eyebrow arching skyhigh and comical in surprise. ]

My, my. It looks as though we have an audience.

[ Ahahaha, whoops! Glancing toward Beast, Ukitake's brown eyes are pleading as he silently beseeches her for directive, seeking any possible means to rectify the situation. ]

[ She rarely apologizes, and so she just levels him with a look. ] This place is annoying.

Aa, so it would seem. [ His shoulders sloping with the weight if a sigh, he regards the Forge with a sheepish expression until...! An idea strikes, something positively daring - when next he speaks, his words are hushed and quick, such that he won't run the risk of being interrupted. ] Both Beast-san and I are deeply sorry for making such a ruckus. You have our most sincere apologies...!

[ And before Beast has the chance to protest, the video feed is cut. +1 point for Ukitake. ]

[ooc: as a note, IC responses will be occurring an hour or so after the initial post! Ukitake and Beast will be needing some time to ...reach a truce. :') ]

momo hinamori, hitsugaya toshiro, rukia kuchiki, kaien shiba, dawn summers, jin uzuki, !beast, !juushirou ukitake, mei chan

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