003 ☼ Video

Jun 27, 2011 00:04

Does anyone else have a white one? [By now, it's probably obvious what she's referring to, but Quorra gives the Forge a thumbs-up anyway to display the white string tied around it. It's almost luminescent, matching the bright stripes of the circuitry spanning her armor.]

This is a strange User ritual. I'm not sure I understand it. But I am sure ( Read more... )

!quorra, merlin, rex salazar, verity kindle, clare

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[Video] naniteknight June 26 2011, 23:34:52 UTC

[Welp. This answers the question he's had about the feeling of being drawn to someone.]


Yeah. Yeah, I've...got a white one.

[He holds up one gloved hand and, sure enough, there's a bit of white string tied around his thumb. There's almost a glow to it for how bright it is...]


Video isoalgorithm June 27 2011, 03:04:48 UTC


[Yep, that's definitely the one. Quorra blinks rapidly as if trying to clear her vision of an anomaly, but Rex is still there on the screen, still with the string matching hers.]

It could be worse.


Video naniteknight June 27 2011, 04:22:18 UTC
Yeah, it really could be.

[He looking at his hand now and, after a moment, pulls at the string. Predictably, it won't come off.]

This is just, um... Well, a little awkward. No offense, Quorra. You're, you know...uh, really nice. And pretty attractive. I just usually prefer to set myself up with dates.

[Regardless, there's no denying that he wants to be closer to her now, somehow. And that doesn't help with the AWKWARD.]


Video isoalgorithm June 27 2011, 05:25:48 UTC
You find me attractive? [She looks surprised. She's never thought of herself as particularly appealing in that way. At least not to a User. Although Rex is a special kind of User, she knows.]

It's all right. I don't think I'm a very good candidate for romance anyway.

[She pauses for a minute before speaking again.]

What are we supposed to do now?


Re: Video naniteknight June 27 2011, 12:49:02 UTC
Well, yeah. You really make that suit look good. [Because, yes. He has *looked*.]

[At her question, he frowns.]

To be honest, I've got the urge to hang around you. Like this crazy piece of string is pushing me in your direction, which is a seriously weird feeling, just FYI. But it's not like we really need to call that a date.


Video isoalgorithm June 27 2011, 12:56:25 UTC
Thank you! [Now she looks confused, but slightly gratified.]

You're not alone. It is a very strange feeling. [She's been trying to ignore it; she's never felt drawn to any User before, save Flynn and his son, and that made sense given who they are. But this? Doesn't make a whole lot of logical sense to her.] Maybe the strings have magnetic qualities?

...Want to go running later? Or maybe we can finally have that race.


Video naniteknight June 27 2011, 22:08:40 UTC
Whatever they have, it'll probably wear off in a few days. Kinda seems to be how things work around here.

Running sounds like a good idea, actually. We can save the race until after the matchmaking business is over with. Are you staying in the Outlander Community Block, still?


Video isoalgorithm June 28 2011, 04:00:12 UTC
I hope so. It would be inconvenient if this was a date with eternity.

Yes, I am. [She looks thoughtful for a moment.] I suppose I'm going to have to find somewhere else to live soon.


Video naniteknight June 29 2011, 09:13:09 UTC
Yeah, no kidding. I'm not ready to be that tied down just yet!

Not necessarily. Unless you wanna find someone to live with, you can try to find work and then just pay rent here. It's not really that expensive.


Video isoalgorithm June 29 2011, 10:06:32 UTC
[Quorra gives a small, enigmatic smile.] Sometimes, eternity isn't as long as it sounds.

I spend a lot of time helping out around the library and the bookstore, but I never thought to ask for any money. Maybe I'll do that.

In the meantime, we should get this...date...thing out of the way as quickly as possible. How about tomorrow morning? I always watch the sunrise on the roof. We can practice afterward.


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