[Audio] Oo1 ;;

Dec 21, 2009 15:12

[ The shifting of fabric can be heard above the distant murmur of hustling, bustling streets as the audio feed begins. The former ceases after a few seconds, interrupted quite abruptly by a sudden, stagnant pause. Calm, feminine, soft, sincere, reasonably cheerful, yet subtly tinged with an underlying tone of uncertainty-the voice that moves through and into the silence does so with a gentle strength rather than shattering it like so much glass. ]

I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for... this.

[ Except that last word sounds somewhat off. If sound could create a mental image in the minds of those who heard it, much of the audience might very well get the impression that the speaker is gesturing broadly, perhaps even theatrically to the expanse behind her as she speaks - ]

Whatever “this” is.

[ - and drops her free arm to her side. Last she checked, city-wide cosmetic and location changes did not occur overnight. Neither did the construction of mass gates with holographic centers, but then, her hopes of coming across anything sensical has decreased greatly since she'd received a tutorial on the “Forge” from that stranger. Nevermind the thing's inability to keep proper track of time or the abnormally lengthy darkness hanging over the city.

Continuing on, she shakes off nearly all traces of her displeasure in a bid to sound personable. It's a much more difficult task than usual given the remnants of her earlier, monstrous headache. Easier to level it off with some degree of professionalism. ]

I would appreciate a response from anyone who receives this transmission. I appear to have been... ah, let's go with 'misplaced', shall we? I'd really like to know where and why, too. The locals haven't exactly been much help on that fro-

[ Quick steps sound in succession, following by the slightest of sighs. Whatever happened, the speaker takes a few seconds to regain her composure before continuing. ]

Front. Are all the natives like this?

[ Rude, inconsiderate, and very bad at whispering, too. ]

I have a job to get back to, so any assistance would be appreciated, particularly the prompt kind.

[ She pauses briefly. Her tone possesses a casual, though promising edge when next she speaks. ]

And rookie? If you’re listening to this, find yourself a rosary and start praying you had nothing to do with this, okay?

[ The edge about her tone dulls dramatically. That same, reasonable cheerfulness returns to her voice with an enthusiastic, albeit muffled clap of gloved hands. ]

Okay! N-

[ The transmission ends abruptly. ]

sakura haruno, zack fair, elena, !turk knife "valeria", miranda lotto, sephiroth

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