№ 03 [voice]

Dec 21, 2009 09:19

-- Shit's ridiculous. The sun, really? You couldn't pick another grand cosmic force of nature to knock out? I wouldn't miss the moon as much. Take a few of the other stars, this is just creeping me the hell out. [ For Ed? That is saying a lot. ]

This is just a prelude, ain't it? Something really bad is coming. Damn, if stuff like this keeps ( Read more... )

misa amane, !edward elric, scar, leon scott kennedy, the doctor

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Comments 38

[audo] cop_for_one_day December 21 2009, 15:43:58 UTC
Yeah. The sun is gone.

[He sounds about as disturbed as Edward.]

I'm by the stone now... the full text reads:

"To those burned by the mist and the sun-

Stay to yourselves, when the long darkness falls, he will arrive.

My world was green and full of sun,
and waves that touched the shore,
until the mist consumed me,
and I saw the sun no more.

There were fifty when I came,
Fifty standing side by side,
Then days grew short and night grew long,
and o! then came the tide.

On waves of blood his shadowy form,
came when the darkness crept,
and I alone remained,
drenched in all the tears I'd wept.

So lo! to those who've seen the sun,
to those who've walked in light.
beware the changing shadows,
fear the coming of the night.

The sun burns out, the dark breeze comes
Beware th..."

It's obviously coming soon. Maybe 'the tide' means it's going to come out of the ocean.


[audio] ontheshortbus December 21 2009, 15:51:28 UTC
... Because if there's anything we need, it's a giant goddamn sea monster tearing apart Anatole.

Whatever it is, it just comes out in the dark, which means the sun's taking a break probably just for whatever's coming.


[audio] cop_for_one_day December 21 2009, 16:29:26 UTC
Better than a dragon. At least it's confined to the water... probably.

...Great. So whatever brought us here can make stars disappear on a whim. Fantastic.


[audio] ontheshortbus December 21 2009, 16:31:56 UTC
We can't discount the fact that it's an illusion, too. That something might just be blocking it out-- it's still ridiculous, but maybe a little less ridiculous than it flat-out disappearing.


[ voice ] Yayyy Ed! <3 lonestray December 21 2009, 18:39:09 UTC
The mist is likely to be responsible, Edward Elric.


[ voice ] ontheshortbus December 21 2009, 18:53:43 UTC
It's suspect number one, but the mist may not be the only force at work.


[ voice ] lonestray December 21 2009, 19:11:41 UTC
That's true. The mist doesn't slit people's throats.

The latest message on the bulletin board is Incomplete. Clearly whatever we are supposed to "beware" doesn't want us knowing about it.


[ voice ] ontheshortbus December 21 2009, 20:45:00 UTC
It won't be the first or last time this place tries to take us by surprise.


the2nd_kira December 21 2009, 20:54:43 UTC
I... don't like this...

Misa doesn't like this at all.

Misa wants to go home.


ontheshortbus December 21 2009, 20:57:05 UTC
I think we all feel the same way, but we don't have a choice anymore-- didn't even have one in the first place.


the2nd_kira December 21 2009, 21:03:04 UTC
Are we---

Are we all going to die here?


ontheshortbus December 21 2009, 21:14:32 UTC
Tche! That's too dramatic-- if we're here, it's probably for some screwed up purpose, but not to off us. Probably.

And hell if we let them take us down.


[voice] doctorate December 21 2009, 20:55:40 UTC
If the dreams are anything to go by, there's possibly a psychopath running about willy-nilly with some sort of bladed weapon. Perhaps a scythe.

Still, can't give much credence to dreams, shared or otherwise. It might just be metaphorical, for all one knows.


[voice] ontheshortbus December 21 2009, 20:57:54 UTC
If they're shared, then there's gotta be a reason for them. Kinda wish I was one of the ones who got them, then I'd know what the hell everyone's rambling about.


[voice] doctorate December 21 2009, 21:14:09 UTC
Ah, well, quick summary: one dream had a drowned moon (didn't get the details); one had marionettes and the lines, "One by one they disappear, and I alone survived to tell thee;" and another dream had a disappearing sun and the line, "Red raindrops and a pocketful of dirt."

I haven't heard much else. If there were other dreams, I haven't heard tell of them.


[voice] ontheshortbus December 21 2009, 21:16:07 UTC
So they're all cryptic metaphors-- awesome. I'd kill for this place to be up front just once.


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