
May 30, 2011 05:54

[ Arthur's leaning against a wall outside the Patrol Headquarters - there's noise in the background, same as you'd hear all over Anatole: rumbling and fighting. Sweat cuts tracks through the dirt on his face and plasters his hair to his forehead. He's breathing hard. ]

[ You had better believe he is gonna speech the hell out of this occasion. ]

There are probably many of you unaware that there was even a threat such as this amongst us. More who are unable to combat it. But this is not the first time we, as a community, have faced unconscionable destruction. We have survived and rebuilt before, and we shall again.

At this point it is wisest to stay off the streets. Remain barricaded or retreat into Dismas if you are near enough to the stairs. If you require assistance, give your location over your Forge and someone shall come.

[ He fiddles with the buttons a moment - curses quietly and pulls off a glove. ]

[ Filter: Patrol Unit ]

The primary goals of the Patrol Unit at this point are defence and rescue. If you are able to locate your regular partner, you may venture out to defend and preferably escort to safety those who are unable to defend themselves. If you are currently fighting alone, you're on the perimeter.

[ This is not a face you want to be arguing with. ]

These cat creatures are dangerous monsters and it also falls within our jurisdiction to remove them from the city. Fighting with the silver-eyed warriors and those from their world does not. I hope I make myself clear.

[ End Filter ]

[ Filter: Merlin ]

Where are you? Your answer'd better be "safe inside".

[ He has this look on his face like he knows that it's probably actually "doing something incredibly stupid and dangerous". ]

[ End Filter ]

I suppose it is now worth making this official: The Patrol Headquarters are currently open as shelter for any citizen of Anatole who requires it. I cannot speak to the Outpost - the connecting tunnel is unsteady from the quakes, and [ a grimace ] I wouldn't chance it overland.

[ He draws a hand briefly over his face, smudging it. His blue gaze darts past the Forge, at something offscreen, and his speed and curtness increases. Time to wrap this up. ]

There shan't be much more in the way of luxury than a floor and a roof, and I have no time to organize each individual. If you wish to help others find bedding and serve food, that assistance would be appreciated.

[ With a little effort - is he injured, or just weighed down by mail and responsibility? - Arthur starts moving, speaking into his device without watching what it's filming, the sound of his sword sliding from its scabbard audible over the noise of his movement and the tumult of combat drawing closer. ]

If I see any fighting within the walls, however, I will not hesitate to remove the offenders from the premises. Keep your quarrels to yourselves for a few days. It is infighting that has brought this situation upon us, and right now, I have no tolerance for it.

asellus, stephanie brown, buffy summers, merlin, teresa, !arthur pendragon, remus lupin

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