[ VIDEO. ]

May 19, 2011 21:46

[Tseng's beloved kitty Ruffles decided that playing with Rufus' forge was an excellent way to pass the time. Sadly for Rufus, it also meant that it turned on the video function. Sadly the sounds of the kitty purring drown out the sound of most of the conversation.]

It was a poor performance. [Rufus sits on the bed and crosses his legs (you'd do best not to mention all the scars all over his body) and dries his hair with a towel. Oh, and the fact that he wasn't all that clothed, save for the towel.]

You can hardly call it a performance, Rufus. [miffed, almost bored - because really Tseng has heard it before.]

I find it odd that we're having this discussion considering you very well know how I want things. [Oh, what's the word for pressure?]

Honestly, you're acting as if you've never ever had to deal with it before. At some point in a person's life, it's going to happen. [even more agitated, as if Rufus is asking the world of him.]

[Rufus leans forward on the bed, opening a drawer before grabbing something and tossing a small package to Tseng.]

Well, see that it doesn't happen again.

[Rufus sits up and turns around, lifting the back of his hair up so that Tseng can see his back. From the angle, you can't really tell what Tseng's doing or where that hand is going, but it doesn't matter. Ruffles has sat on the device and all you get to see is furry kitty belly.]

gilbert nightray, zack fair, river tam, kunsel, tseng, rufus shinra

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