
May 19, 2011 03:10

[It’s a late night post, a video display of Zack from his chin on down, facing a clear glass bowl with a golden fish idly swimming in lackadaisical circles. He really needs to put more stuff in there, you know. Fake plastic trees. Treasure chests. Something. Gil has to get bored with just those precious rocks given to him from small, kind hands…] ( Read more... )

rufus shinra, freya, jin uzuki, isley, river tam, shirley, kunsel, !zack fair, yazoo

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[ Voice || Private ] cursedtobe May 19 2011, 11:54:10 UTC
[ She was surprised to see the message to her. Well, surprised there even was a message - and outright shocked at the contents of that message. Several minutes are spent as she stared at her Forge, trying to determine the reason for it. ]

... no. [ This is awkward okay, people don't offer to help her when they find out what she is. They tend to run or hunt her or want her dead. Granted it seemed less so here, but habits are hard to break. ]

I'm fine. [ A lie. She hasn't left her apartment in days, and not just because of the damage to her leg. The offer to catch something and this 'your wish, my command' business was baffling. ]

... why are you making such an offer...?


[ Voice || Private ] i_love_squats May 19 2011, 16:15:20 UTC
[Awww, don't be surprised! This is what he does, especially to poor people who are hurt in a fight that that shouldn't have been. He's really sorry that he couldn't protect you....]

Did you see a doctor? Did someone look at your wounds? I wish Sakura was still around. [Because that really was the only doctor he trusted, with reason. Maybe it was the pink hair.

[He blinks a little, then smiles, a soft little thing, flicking on the video function.] Because that's what people should do. Look out for each other.


[ Voice || Private ] cursedtobe May 19 2011, 23:01:42 UTC
[ Her responses are hesitant, guarded. Almost trying to read Zack's every word for some sort of hint of a lie. It's more troubling that she can't find any. He's either being honest or he's very good at lying. ]

... no, I haven't. I don't trust them. [ Of course she means this in a more general sense. She didn't trust anyone - except Merlin. ] I'll heal. I've been hurt before.

[ A longer pause at the response, studying the image on her Forge. She pauses, considering turning hers to Video in turn, but decides against it.]

I don't believe you. [ There had to be some angle. He saw what she turned into - he was just like the others, right? ... Right? ]

People don't do things like that, after ... they don't help monsters.


[ Voice || Private ] i_love_squats May 20 2011, 06:10:59 UTC
[You're going to be reading them a long time if you're looking for a lie there, kiddo.]

Heh, can't blame you there. I don't like them either, the way they smile or look at you. But your injuries... they might be a little out of your scope of just healing, you know? Is there someone in the city you trust? Someone you can go to that can help you?

[And if you're trying to push Zack away with that, you're going to have to try harder. What's with everyone thinking they're a monster just because they're a might different? Sheesh.]

I don't see any monsters here. I just saw a very brave person who stood up to a couple jerks when she could've run.


[ Voice || Private ] cursedtobe May 20 2011, 11:21:46 UTC
[ You're freaking her out with your friendly concern, Zack! ]

I'm - ... yes, there is. [ Hey in her case she was a monster because she killed people. She didn't want to but she did. ]

I'm not brave. ... if they hadn't been there, it would have been you.

[ The curse does not discriminate, and she didn't know Zack nearly well enough for her to be able to keep the killing urge at bay. But with this admission, she's absolutely certain he'll change his tune, right Zack? ]

[ Actually technically, if they hadn't been there she wouldn't have changed in the first place. ]


[ Voice || Private ] i_love_squats May 20 2011, 18:16:48 UTC
[Sorry, but it's what he does. Get used to it!]

Then you should go to them. Show them what happened, have them take a look at it. You shouldn't have to deal with it on your own. [No one should...

[And nope, his tune is the same. A little softer, but more for her benefit than his own.]

It's okay. Next time, we'll get together, do something fun, and you'll be having too much of a good time to... to do that thing you did. [Because he doesn't know what to call it. And he doesn't know if it works like that, but he's throwing it out there anyway. Ha.

[Oh, and yes, he's inviting himself out with you!]


[ Voice || Private ] cursedtobe May 20 2011, 22:56:15 UTC
[ She'll never get used to this. IT'S WEIRD. ]

... it ...wasn't supposed to happen. It never did befor-[ Wait. What? .. what...? Wh.. we? What? ]

... we? [ Surely she didn't hear that right. ]


[ Voice || Private ] i_love_squats May 21 2011, 01:03:59 UTC
[But a good weird, right? RIGHT?]

Yeah, "we". You think I'd let you get out of this without me paying you back for everything?


Re: [ Voice || Private ] cursedtobe May 21 2011, 01:27:06 UTC
[ Yes! Until she gets paranoid. ]

You...you don't have to pay me back for anything.


[ Voice || Private ] i_love_squats May 23 2011, 03:49:10 UTC
[Hey, there's no paranoia allowed on this ride!]

I do, though, or else I'll never be able to sleep at night again. C'mon, it'll be fun. Promise.


[ Voice || Private ] cursedtobe May 23 2011, 12:00:28 UTC
[ But paranoia is all she has! D: ]

You can't mean that. [ Hedging a bit. When was the last time she had anything even close to 'Fun'? ]


[ Voice || Private ] i_love_squats May 23 2011, 17:08:55 UTC
[Guess we'll just have to replace paranoia with hope, huh?]

Why can't I? Because I'm preeeeetty positive that I do.


[ Voice || Private ] cursedtobe May 23 2011, 23:24:08 UTC
[ Darnit Zack, it's hard to be wary when you're making her smile. ]

... you've seen what I am. Why would you want to be around a monster like me? [ What if her curse gets triggered and she attacks you, is what she wants to say. ]


[ Voice || Private ] i_love_squats May 24 2011, 18:20:42 UTC
[I know. Such a pain, huh? Yeah. Yeah. He's not sorry.]

Because you're not a monster. You're a pretty girl who needs to smile more. Now, what about ...hm... six? Or you wanna do a day picnic?


[ Voice || Private ] cursedtobe May 24 2011, 23:42:25 UTC
[ Absolutely unforgiveable! ]

... [ She doesn't agree with that assessment, but Merlin has said the ...well not the same but close enough. ]

No. [ Er. Well nightly -anything- is a bad idea. ] I mean... a day picnic is fine.


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