01 ☃ Voice

May 13, 2011 22:12

[And what an angry little voice it is, too.  Captain Hitsugaya is about as far removed from amused right now as Lady Gaga is from reality.  He'd been expecting to find himself attacked or confined after waking up, considering the way it had happened to him: one minute stepping through the Senkaimon portal, on his way to the human world, the next abruptly yanked through a very different door into the Mist from the Black Lagoon, whose very wrongness he could sense as it enshrouded him.  But instead he found himself ... chillin' in an apartment, with a king-size migraine, and was handed a phone shaped thing, as if this whole operation were pretty standard procedure.

Layer in some annoyance with that anger too, actually..]

Disrupting the Senkaimon -- quite a trick.  But whatever other games you have up your sleeve, you can save them.

A Captain doesn't respond to fear tactics.  [Or... mindfuckery tactics, since as he glances around the quiet little room he doesn't see a lot that could be considered fear-inducing.  It's not as if any of the plants are sporting razor-sharp teeth, or as if the walls are hung with human skulls.

He's burning to ask about that fog and what the heck it was, but... he'll wait until someone brings it up first.]

nymphadora tonks, rukia kuchiki, gin ichimaru, byakuya kuchiki, !hitsugaya toshiro, yachiru kusajishi, luciela, hades

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