☼ The Eleventh Focus. {Video}

May 10, 2011 02:28

Da da dee dum da~! [Vanille is skipping through the city, her red pigtails bobbing.]

I wonder if there's a bar around here. [She steeples her fingertips together. (Her Forge is attached to her waist - it is pointing up, so...have a generous view of one boob, Anatole.)]

Would anyone like to have a drink with me? [Her tone is light and friendly.] I figure it'll be a good way to relax.

[A pause before she goes private.]

[Private to Tseng.]

Do you ever loosen your tie enough to have fun? I heard about your poker game. [She winks cheekily at him.]


[Private to Spike.]

What about you, huh? I haven't seen you in awhile.


[Private to Remus.]

I owe you at least one drink. How are you holdin' up? [Yes, she is smarter than she looks sometimes.]


!oerba dia vanille, anya/anastasia nikolaevna

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