May 08, 2011 20:51

I'm having a poker game at my apartment. Low cash only until we have a more secure player base. No offerings necessary and no entry fee charged. Courtesy of your local Turks.

Of course the SOLDIERs are extended a special invite. We have to put you in your place somehow.

It starts at nine sharp.

Private to Sephiroth )

desmond miles, stephanie brown, sephiroth, rufus shinra, zack fair, !tseng, elena, spencer reid, lust

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soldiersblade May 9 2011, 06:11:36 UTC
Me! I want in!

[Waaaaaaaiiiit... dammit.]

... actually, cancel that. I have no money. Not til I officially start my job, anyway. Dammit.


fingersloophole May 9 2011, 06:14:09 UTC
There seems to be a lot of that.

We'll be playing a game with just chips, if you prefer. No cash loss involved.


soldiersblade May 9 2011, 06:22:02 UTC
That works, man.

... who are you, anyway? Just so I have some idea of who's apartment I'm runnin' into willy-nilly...


fingersloophole May 9 2011, 06:27:31 UTC
Tseng. [That doesn't answer much. But seriously what other trustworthy description can he give? "I was formerly employed ripping out people's shinbones"?]

I...have an adorable kitten. And beer.


soldiersblade May 9 2011, 18:09:36 UTC
[Hey, he's heard worse? Couldn't hurt.]

Tseng, then. You'd probably be opposed to feeding that kitten beer, right?


fingersloophole May 9 2011, 20:05:45 UTC
Ruffles is under age. He doesn't drink beer. When he is an adult, if he wishes to be intoxicated it becomes his business.

[Pretending he's not a cat.]


soldiersblade May 11 2011, 00:09:23 UTC
... the cat is under age?

[You're effin' weird, man.]


fingersloophole May 11 2011, 00:21:24 UTC
He's not even two months old yet. Surely that qualifies as underage?

In short, do not feed alcohol to my cat.


soldiersblade May 14 2011, 17:55:15 UTC
Yeah, but it's a cat! They age differently... or... or something. Two months is probably like, university cat.

Pfff, fine. But really, the only entertaining cat is a blitzed cat.


fingersloophole May 15 2011, 03:05:32 UTC
I'll be sure to inform my cat he is a collegian.


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