
May 04, 2011 04:20

The Door's been even more active lately. Is it making up for lost ground, I wonder?

This tournament that's being held... I'm reminded of home, a little. I'm sure Anatole's celebrations would leave so much more of an impact than anything we could ever scrape together, but it might be nice to attend, if not to join. No doubt there are some who would prefer it if I kept my blades to myself.

That can probably be arranged.


Is it just me, or is the number of small animals in this city... multiplying?

[Private to Yuma and Noel]

Now that you two have had time to settle, I'll ask you to join in our cause - holding back the threat those three present to the city. Hopefully you haven't been here long enough to develop any grudges, because they won't be tolerated. There are things even we need to put aside.

[And yes, she recognizes the oddness of her asking this.]

I want to know if I-- and your fellow warriors - can rely on you.

[Private to Clare]

Clare... [A pause, and a sort of frustrated sigh.] There's no easy way to present this, is there? Priscilla asked me to partner with her on patrols. She wants to explore the mist, but at least had the foresight to ask someone who would be able to stop her if anything... happened.

I agreed to it.


I don't want to find anything broken when I return home.

[Private to Kay]

Kay. Are you feeling better now?

gokudera hayato, !teresa, kay, clare

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