001 - Video

Dec 18, 2009 22:47

[ As the Forge begins to record, one would not be able to make out just what it is that they're looking it. Whatever it is, it's WAY too close to the camera, a fact that is made even more apparent by the volume of his breathing. After a moment, a voice; relatively calm with just a faint touch of urgency, as though he needs to speak with someone ASAP. ]

Hello? Is this device working? Can anybody hear me?

[ He leans back at this point, visible from the chest up. His expression is a blend of confusion and caution as he looks around the room, eyes narrowing just a touch as he mutters under his breath. ]

Aku, is this treachery yours as well? How long will you continue to elude me?

[ His eyes find the device again, and for a long while he simply examines it, able to tell that it is working but not exactly what is happening. Several seconds go by before he shakes his head slowly.  He assumed he would have a response by now; Jack's not exactly tech-savvy, believe it or not. A low sigh, and he scratches his chin in concentration. ]

I am wasting time. There are no answers to be found like this. If I wish to learn anything of where I am, I will have to do so myself.

[ He rises, setting the device down on the bedside table as he turns to leave; his gi flutters with the motion, and the hilt of his sword can be seen from behind him as he raises his arm to tug a straw hat from a hook on the door. He stops just before actually leaving the room, turning to look at the device once more, his gaze analytical as he purses his lips slightly. With a quiet 'hm' he returns and picks up the device, shutting it off as he turns to leave once again. ]

!jack, lucy stillman, aang, kimihiro watanuki

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