[First color]

Apr 29, 2011 01:07

[A young man with bright blue eyes peers into the device, his face is a little too close. He draws back self consciously, offering a welcome friendly smile. He didn’t seem to notice the burns that spanned from his cheek down past the golden torc around his neck.]

E-excuse me, can any one hear me? I was told this ‘Forge’ could get me in contact with other Scorched denizens like me.

[He cautiously adjusts the screen, glancing back with a thanks to someone off screen before he speaks up again.]

I don’t know where in the world this is, but if it isn’t too much trouble I’m looking for two people. I don’t have any means to pay for the information but, I can work off whatever fees you require of me.

Thank you for your time.

[He fumbles with the Forge, unsure how to turn it off. His left hand is just as burned as his face and neck, yet the flower bracelet on his wrist seems untouched. The feed times out finally with a quick apology from the young man.]

meguro gau, river tam, !alone, allen walker, teresa

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