3rd Roar -- [ Voice ]

Apr 24, 2011 20:18

[ She'd wanted to get something from the marketplace. It was just supposed to be a quick trip and then run back - but she drew the attention of someone. Or something. She'd intended to turn the Forge on - or perhaps it was accidentally turned on when she was fumbling with it in her surprise, but whatever the reason, it was on now. ]Who are you ( Read more... )

!freya, river tam, merlin, gwaine, rex salazar

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[Video] naniteknight April 25 2011, 02:38:46 UTC
¡Híjole! Freya?!

[He wants to help, but the feed is voice only. He can't tell exactly what's going on or where she is...]

Where are you?

[Answer, answer, c'moooon...]


[Video] cursedtobe April 25 2011, 23:21:58 UTC
[ The Forge picks up a good amount of scuffling and her faint screaming - which does cease. Thank god for River. Silence falls a few minutes, and then,]

Rex? [ Just a tiny voice, trembling.


[Video] naniteknight April 26 2011, 01:55:06 UTC
[He waits for a response, impatient. His chances of finding her without some idea of where she is are low, but if she doesn't say something soon--]
Freya! Yeah, it's me. Where are you? Are you okay? If I can get to you, I'll protect you, find somewhere safe to take you.


[Video] cursedtobe April 26 2011, 02:21:42 UTC
[ She's hesitant, torn between her fear of the monsters and wariness of new people. HnHn, well - really given the circumstances, there's no doubt the choice she was making. She shifts the Forge about to give an idea of where she is - she had tucked herself into an alcove, hidden tightly behind a few water barrels, but she didn't dare move since she could still hear creatures searching outside of her hiding spot. ]

Dismas. [ Shivering, scared and alone, she keeps her voice as quiet as possible. ]

I - I'm all right. S..someone found me. Helped me.


[Video] naniteknight April 26 2011, 10:46:31 UTC
[Despite getting help, Freya's situation is still far from good. Though of all places... Dismas? Gah. It would have to be the one place where his powers will take a hike on him. Regardless, she's terrified. And he's not about to sit back and let her suffer.]
You're still in danger. I'm going to get you out of there to someplace safe. Stay hidden... I'm on my way.


[Video] cursedtobe April 26 2011, 12:24:49 UTC
[ It was decided to be the only place people could be safe from her. Freya didn't like the place, but it was preferable to execution. ]

What? But -- but you can't use your powers down here. You ...you shouldn't come, it's... [ She trails off, going quiet when one of the creatures nears her hiding spot, holding her breath - then exhales when it keeps moving. ]] ... not safe.


[Voice] naniteknight April 26 2011, 12:33:06 UTC
[He's already on the move, switching over to voice so he can focus on getting to his destination. Time matters, now. He needs to be quick.]

Not having my powers will suck, but not as much as if one of those monsters catches you. I'll figure something out. Improvise. I just know I'm not going to leave you stuck down there by yourself. Besides... I don't really do safe, anyway. Sort of like I don't do dying.


[Voice] cursedtobe April 26 2011, 14:18:04 UTC
[ She's still worried, but he had a point. Fortunately she was well versed with hiding from things that meant her ill. She fell silent for a moment, hugging her knees and watching the mouth of the alcove warily. ]

... even if you don't "do" safe, ... be careful.


[Voice] What's your pref on this? Action tags, handwaving, log? naniteknight April 26 2011, 14:34:48 UTC
[By this time, he's come up on one of the openings that leads down into Dismas. He can see the stairs as he comes in for a landing, the Boogie Pack breaking down. Fortunately, there don't seem to be too many Ogres and Goblins within range on the surface for the moment.]

Roger that. Can't help you if the monsters take me out before I even reach you, right?


[Voice] Action tags are good with me! cursedtobe April 26 2011, 15:19:54 UTC
[ She's quietly relieved. She didn't know him particularly well but he was risking himself to help her. ]

There aren't as many now, at least.


[Voice / Action] Okie! \o/ And now some tl;dr... Lemme know if this isn't okay by you. naniteknight April 26 2011, 22:38:04 UTC
No complaints from me.

And head's up. I'm going silent for a bit. Watch for me...

[Creeping up on the entrance, Rex peers down into the opening a moment before beginning his descent. He goes slowly at first, allowing his eyes to adjust to the shift in light. No sense in tumbling down the stairs and injuring himself.]

[Not long into his descent, he pauses briefly to check his powers. Just to be sure they're really gone. There's a brief, rather pathetic sputtering of neon blue circuit board patterns over his hands before the lights go out and refuse to come back on. All in all, it's very similar to a biometric crash, his nanites flat-lining.]

[Thankfully, his trip into Dismas is uneventful. As soon as he reaches the bottom of the stairs, however, he nearly falls headlong over a body. Perhaps some Anatolian who got caught by one or more of the monsters? There's blood on the ground and the fellow is missing an arm. Eww. This does give Rex an idea, however.]

[He removes the black cloak from the body, feeling a bit guilty ( ... )


[Voice / Action] It's cool! Delicious TL;DR :D cursedtobe April 26 2011, 23:19:41 UTC
[ She had been talking quietly to Gwaine over the Forge up until then. Hearing a friendly voice was...calming at least. Nonetheless, she muffled a small yip when she heard the crates fall over, tensing all over at the approach of footsteps. She wasn't sure if it was Rex come looking for her, or someone else entirely. Clutching the Forge tightly, she peered around the side of a barrel, warily looking at the boy in the black cloak. ]


[Action] XD naniteknight April 27 2011, 02:00:56 UTC
[Catching sight of a familiar face peering timidly at him from around one side of a barrel, Rex pulls the hood off completely to better reveal his identity before moving up closer so he can speak quietly without risk of being overheard.]
Hey, it's Rex. Sorry if I startled you. Had to slide in here pretty quick after distracting an Ogre. Still hanging in there okay?
[Despite the situation, he manages to keep a confident air about him. At the very least, this has been something of a rush.]


[Action] cursedtobe April 27 2011, 03:24:33 UTC
[ She relaxed a fraction more when she saw who it was, glancing past Rex briefly, and then back to him with a quick shake of her head. ]

It's ... It's all right. I wasn't sure if it was you. [ He didn't look hurt either, which surprised her. Aside from some scrapes and bruises she looked fine. It was when she ventured out of her hiding spot to stand that the hurt ankle was more obvious - probably no more than a sprain, thankfully. ]

I'm... hanging in there, yes.


[Action] naniteknight April 27 2011, 04:08:37 UTC
[Now that she knew it was him, Rex covered his head again, doing his best to stay in the near shadows so he was decently hidden.]
Good. Now to get you out of here... Dismas is really not a good place to be, I don't think. Not now. So unless you know of a safe place to hole up down here, we should probably head topside.


[Action] cursedtobe April 27 2011, 04:19:29 UTC
[ She paused in shock at the suggestion. ] I - I can't go up there. [ Especially not now. ] There's a place I stay here... I suppose it's safe enough.

[ Barring ogres smashing the door down. ]


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