
Apr 21, 2011 16:43

[It's no surprise that the video shows Helen at one of the Foxhole's tables, her favorite mug to one side. But there is something slightly different about her face. Maybe it's just because her usual smirk is absent. She does look a little tired though, like someone in danger of getting the flu.

Only her kind don't get the flu.]

Ugh, I don't know if it's all the drama around here or what, but I could use a serious day off. I forgot how nice it was when I had Martha to run the place.

[Helen picks up a half-eaten apple and turns it, studying it.]

Tch. Never thought a bar would be too much work for me. Maybe I should hire some temp help...

[She sighs and crunches down on another bite while getting to her feet.]

Screw this. I need some fresh air and it's nice outside. I'm taking that as a sign to-

[The apple suddenly slips free and rolls across the floor. Helen seems to be grasping the edge of the table.]

On second thought, I think I'll hit the sack. If anyone wants the job, come in and start wiping down tables.

[Rooster, the resident mouser, yowls from another table in the background.]

Yeah, yeah, wipe around the tomcat. And no drinking straight from the tap. I don't give a damn what you see me do.

miata, senji "crow" kiyomasa, gwaine, !helen, deneve

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