[Broadcast Mind] 02

Apr 16, 2011 23:58

The water closed over your head what feels like hours ago.

But all you can think of as you slowly sink beneath the waves is your friends out there on the ship and far away in other countries. They are the world to you. Those precious people that make places have meaning. You’re being crushed by the pressure of the rings of gravity around. You don’t care.

Those people are relying on you to stop the Akuma here. If you don’t, they’ll die and a world without them is one you don’t want. Even if you break, as long as they’re safe. As long as you’ve kept the pieces of the puzzle together. You’re fine with that.

It’s scary to open yourself to the full power of the boots on your feet. They’re always so heavy. Like shackles.Like chains. But, now as the power arcs through you and lights up the sea you feel strangely light. You’ve never done this before. But you know for the sake of your world. You’ll do anything to keep it safe.

As you rocket towards the surface and pain stabs you. As your chest starts to ache you think of your friend who disappeared in China. He did this too. But you believe in him. You believe he’ll return. Just as you believe your friends on the ship will make it to their destination. Even if you’re not with them.

The water parts as you soar into the sky and the world inverts. You can feel the cold metal under your legs. They’ve been useless. But you know why. They were waiting for this moment when you turned to God and asked for the power to protect what you hold dear. You hate God. But you need what you’re asking for. To that God you hate you plead for it. Yet, you make a condition.

As long as you can return to his side, to your brother when everything is over, only then will you go with it. You’ll follow it down into Hell its self so long as it can promise that.

It melts in your fingers and urges you to take it up. Finally, you have a reason to transform reluctance and the pain of being forced into a life you didn’t want into strength. You didn’t ask for this life. But instead of fighting it every step of the way, like an elaborate dance with yourself you let go of hesitation. There’s no room for it here.

It will only slow you down. You smile at your brother. “I’m going now.”

Believe in me, you want to say but he knows. I’ll come back, seems implied. You stare at the red liquid in your fingers and drink it down. It burns, aches, and you fall back. But you have to trust it. Because this the path you’ve chosen. It doesn’t disappoint you.

As you tear away from the metal walk way with the new boots on your legs, the world changes one more time. The buildings here rise above the streets like specters of better times. The local people often look at you with distrust but like before you look for people among the those crowds. People you were said to once know.

A leader who asked if it was better to be emotionless. You don’t agree that emotions should be thrown away but you respect what she’s created in this world.
A woman who tells you friends are important.
A prince from legends that knew you before.
A girl that calls you a nickname and smiles most of the time.
So many voices and faces you don’t remember but, that doesn’t make them any less important. You’ll fight by their side and strive to do all you can.

Because those boots that were so heavy every moment of every day since they first forced them on your feet because the weapon called to you, have long since become as light as air.

[Then it all goes black as Lenalee wakes up, startled out of a light doze she'd been taking instead of drinking the cup of coffee in her hands.]

-event: broadcast mind, !lenalee lee, arthur pendragon

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