.waxing.crescent. dream journal

Apr 06, 2011 00:53

[text: -handwritten. Using Forge as tablet and wand as stylus. Handwriting, scrawled, is an echo from what's gone, semi-translatable glyphs of an inaccessible land: he's still half-asleep. But tries to capture that last clinging moment of a dream]

of the dawn from ^come the dawn
they float away
breathe again
float away
the Door opens again someday

oerba dia vanille, scar, -minievent: what the past whispers, freya, !remus lupin, asellus, river tam, nate "near" river

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[voice] charmprince April 6 2011, 05:20:22 UTC
...Sir? [Because Lupin's one of a handful of people she's actually respectful of.]


[voice] lumenrelegandus April 6 2011, 05:34:26 UTC
Oh, I'm sorry, Asellus, I hope I didn't wake you.

[he still sounds sleepy too; the following is meandering and a bit to himself] I'm trying to remember where I heard that poem. Now and then the dreaming mind comes up with things that seem beautiful and perfect but are, by necessity, entirely inaccessible once awake. The sense of transcendence wouldn't exist consciously, in actual words. The fact that I can remember it suggests to me that I didn't make it up.


[voice] charmprince April 6 2011, 05:36:44 UTC
No, I wasn't sleeping.

So you dreamt a poem? Or did you write it from the dream?


[voice] -> [video] lumenrelegandus April 6 2011, 06:18:21 UTC
[it's slipping away; wonders if he'd remember more clearly once thoroughly awake, or if that would banish it for good]

I think I heard people singing it.

[which, remembering that, is strange as well. He never dreams in music.

Glances at clock. It's earlier than he thought-witness by how Io wasn't here either. Of course Asellus hadn't been asleep; aside from working with the patrol now, she was young.

Tunny raises his head from the foot of the bed to glare balefully. He was both young and a firm supporter of bedtime.

Lupin disentangled himself from the dog and pulled on his dressing gown before switching to video, picking up the forge en route to the kitchen. He wouldn't go so far as to offer his virtual company tea, but it would be nice to talk while having some.]

I theoretically keep a dream journal, but usually fail. That was more my wife's fascination. Are you interested in dreams?


[video] charmprince April 6 2011, 09:10:40 UTC
[She pushes a hanging forelock behind her ear and shakes her head, obviously shifting on her side of the Forge. It's still early yet for her, but she'll talk to him for a while. He's always been kind. The very least she can do is return that kindness.] Well, not really. They're interesting to talk about and listen about, but... I don't have many, and the ones I do have aren't all that great.

[Maybe it's a side effect of the life she's lived so far. Or maybe it was just that Mystics don't dream.]

It feels like focusing too hard on dreams might make reality more difficult to achieve. To me, anyway. I've never... really been one for navel-gazing.


[video] lumenrelegandus April 6 2011, 19:06:01 UTC
[he puts on the kettle with one hand, keeping her forge image in the other] Depends, I suppose, one what one believes a dream is. Insight on waking reality, a different aspect of ourselves, an exploration of different planes, a curious past-time… Theoretically, by keeping a journal, one can train oneself to remember one's dreams more consistently. Some seem to think there might be benefits to this, but I suspect there's an element of entertainment-

[a new text appears on his screen. His eyes flicker away from Asellus to read it. His expression shifts from amiable relaxation to something harder to read.]

-and sometimes there's something else at work.


[video] charmprince April 6 2011, 19:10:06 UTC
I'm sure there's a purpose to them. I just don't know what that would be, outside of allowing you to go over the day's events, to make sense of things. That's the use I used to have for dreams. They just don't impact my current life enough to be of much-- [And if you think you're getting out of that expression without concern, you are sorely mistaken, sir.] --what's up?


[video] lumenrelegandus April 6 2011, 20:50:31 UTC
It appears I was correct: I didn't make it up. Others are reporting the same dream.

[sends her a rueful smile]

I suppose that means something's in the wind. Mist, rather. Perhaps we should all keep an eye on our dreams for the present.

Or work all the harder to ignore them… it would be nice to know in advance which.

[He belatedly realises, in lieu of nothing, that that was the first time he'd mentioned Dora voluntarily and casually. - without a moment of forgetting she was dead.]


[video] charmprince April 6 2011, 22:41:15 UTC
I doubt the mist is going to let us ignore anything. I wonder if I'll hear it, too, then...? [The idea's a little disturbing.]

Was it a... nightmare? That seems more the style of this place, honestly. [She still remembers the dreams she'd been having before she woke up with her arms slashed and bleeding. This isn't the place for good, happy ones.]


[video] lumenrelegandus April 8 2011, 09:04:23 UTC
Yes… I suppose it was, by the end… Though most of it I found rather beautiful.

Also like this place, in a way. A place of depth and beauty that's been distorted, at the end.

[rueful, catching himself] I have my own impressions. Who can say how accurate any may be.


[video] charmprince April 8 2011, 09:29:35 UTC
Ah, I can kind of see what you mean, though. This place is... strangely beautiful, in a sick sort of way.

What did you see? Was it just this place, or...?

I wonder if I'll have the dream, or if I lucked out, staying up...


[video] lumenrelegandus April 8 2011, 10:23:31 UTC
I'm going to try and figure out exactly that.

[not sure which, in the end, will be considered the luck] Will you keep me posted?


[video] charmprince April 8 2011, 11:06:49 UTC
Of course I will. But don't go getting into hot water alone. [Because she knows when she 'tries to figure things out', it usually ends in hot water. And while that's fine for her, her inner hypocrite won't let it happen to anyone else.]


[video] lumenrelegandus April 9 2011, 05:31:22 UTC
[laughs, pleased/touched at her concern] My only planned immersion is quite tepid, I assure you. If it ceases to be bookbound you'll be the first I call.


[video] charmprince April 11 2011, 00:26:12 UTC

...Don't hesitate if you need me for anything else, alright?


[video] lumenrelegandus April 11 2011, 03:02:10 UTC
[he can't promise because he always hesitates to ask for help; but that has to do with himself, not her. Finds instead something he can say wholeheartedly:]

The same to you.


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