01 ♘ 〖Video〗

Mar 31, 2011 20:07

[ The image flickers on to the curious if somewhat drawn expression of a white-haired young man, a little like someone who's been frustrated and venting but-well, here he is.

One Allen Walker in trim black and red uniform jacket, though perhaps if you've seen him before he looks a little older now, or at least what slightly longer hair tied back might suggest.

A polite but reassuring smile switches on, strained but otherwise easily worn, when he realizes the Forge on. There's a bit of background noise like he's already outside and probably been a while; a crowded street maybe. ]

Ah, good evening. [ Taptap. ] This isn't quite like the Hitomi, but I hope everyone gets this.

This isn't Kannagara anymore, I realize. [ For one, it's so much more civilized. And-blinking and looking to the side for a second as if catching sight of some sight zipping by (wow)-busier. ]

-Or I guess anything familiar.

[ But as calm as he seems he's also not very reassured; little flicks of distress in his expression. ]

Is everyone alright? Lavi, Lenalee? Link? Rin? Who else can hear me? Mana?

And I don't mean to trouble, but if anyone knows would someone be able to tell me anything more about this place? Or... "Scorched"?

Thank you.

yuu kanda, cross marian, lavi, byakuya kuchiki, kaien shiba, kanda, !allen walker, yachiru kusajishi, lenalee lee

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