87. [Video]

Mar 09, 2011 21:35

[Picture this: a tidy room, a humble sofa. A small apartment. It's a place some of you may know, if you'd been friendly with Nagi during his time in Anatole, or with Senji in the past few months. Friendly enough, that is, to see their apartment.]

[But as of right now, you're not looking at either man. Instead, it's Priscilla - tiny and pale and looking... well. It would be easy enough to describe it as tired - more tired than she ever has, though she looks tired frequently enough these days. But no, that isn't the right word - not quite. Instead, she looks hollow. Expressionless in a way she hasn't since Senji's death six months ago.]

[She is wrapped in a blanket, and her hair is pinned back... notable not with a certain pair of clips she had frequently worn in recent months.]

[She rubs her face even as she starts to talk. Her voice is oddly hoarse.]

I'm not exactly sure how to begin.

...to everyone in the Patrol. If you need someplace to stay, please feel free to any officer to release funding for rent until reconstruction can be completed. Fortunately... I've always tried to keep money in reserve, and have managed to steady the Patrol's income over the past year or so. It shouldn't be a problem to pay for your stays in whatever apartments or inns you choose. And it's only right. It was, after all, my mistake that created this problem to begin with.

[Not that she needs to name what it was. Her voice shakes, a tiny, tiny bit right around the edges, and her throat... constricts.]

[But she takes a breath, steadies herself. ...and then onward.]

And of course we'll reconstruct. If anyone is willing to help with labor, please let me know.

I don't think I can talk much more today. Arthur, thank you for-- um. Thank you.

[A little pause. She rubs her face.]

...um. Roy, I hate to ask you to do it again, but could you please repair Yuukai? I gathered his pieces. And... I promise that, in the future, I'll keep him safer than this.


I'm sorry to have worried everyone.

[She looks, for a moment, as though she wants to say something else. But then doesn't. Instead, the screen goes black.]

[Filtered AWAY from any Abyssal.]

I think, under the circumstances, I have no choice but to take a drastic approach to my training.

[A pause, as she purses her lips.]

I need to remove my mental blocks. Um. It's a long... story. It's not something-- well, anyway. I need remove them, but I also need to be able to control... everything that unleashes. This means that I'll be testing the limits of my yoki release. A lot. And I need... people who have the time to come and watch over me. And, if something goes wrong...


If something goes wrong, I need people who will cut my head off.

...please don't volunteer if you would hesitate, even for a second. If you have any doubt whatsoever that you would be able to do this without a pause, without a blink, then do not make this offer. Because if I lose control and you fail to do what I've asked, you'll die. And you won't be the last.

[A little breath.]

...I won't pretend it isn't dangerous. I am dangerous. But aside from that, I have very dangerous enemies, too. I've filtered this bit away from them, but... it's almost a measure of principle alone, really. As soon as I release my power, they'll know, even if they don't know why.

Still. This is... all I can think of to do, now.

I don't--


[Nothing else. She disconnects.]

[ooc: ...s-sob sorry for spamminess. SHE COULDN'T JUST NOT SAY ANYTHING. ♥]

roy mustang, lady, lust, arthur pendragon, sebastian michaelis, clare, sophia, senji "crow" kiyomasa, rapunzel, !priscilla, dietrich, irene, remus lupin, helen, teresa, clarice

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