[ 43 - accidental video ] Shadow Event

Mar 04, 2011 20:44

[The video comes on to show Scar, staring in slight shock at another man before him. There's a striking resemblance between the two, aside from the fact that the other man's hair is a dark brown instead of white. They share the same red eyes, as well, something that's rarely seen in Anatole, but the elder man wears glasses as well.]

--Don't gape, it's rather unbecoming. Of course it's me.

[Scar opens his mouth to say something, but he's cut off by the man's raised hand]

And don't bother explaining who you are. What kind of older brother would I be if I didn't recognize you?

[Scar looks...a little relieved, at that, and tries to approximate something of a weak smile for him--he doesn't really succeed.]

I--...w-welcome to Anatole then, Brother.

You mean welcome back. [A slight grin on his features, now. He's amused by Scar's surprise in the matter.]

Well, are you just going to stand there? Obviously it's been quite a while--I should get a hug at least, for old time's sake. [Is there something slightly predatory in that grin, now? If there is, Scar is too preoccupied to notice.]

[Something stiffens in Scar's shoulders at the suggestion and his expression takes on something akin to a cornered animal. Brother or not, the idea of that much physical proximity (and worse, contact) makes a shiver run down through his spine.]

What's the matter? [Practically a sneer, by now.] Surely you're not afraid of your own brother, are you?


[He steps forward, reluctantly, and his brother does too, in turn, until the glint of metal from his pocket catches his eye. The older man pulls back (much to his relief) and regards him coolly.]

Is that my locket?

[Scar flinches, eyes widening slightly.] I--yes. I've--I've held onto it for some time, now...I can ex--

Give it here.

[Scar looks a little stricken at the command.]Wh-what?

You heard me. Give it here. [He extends his hand, gesturing for Scar to give it to him.]


Are you questioning me? That is mine, give it to me.

[Scar shudders slightly, but reluctantly gives it to him anyway.]

[His brother inspects it for a moment before fixing him a stare of contempt.]

Look at all the scratches and dents in this thing. It's even burned in places. Worthless, now. [Tosses it to the side with a huff.] I've taken better care of my version, at least.

[Scar can't help the sharp intake of breath as he tosses it aside and the urge to retrieve it.]

What are you doing? I told you, it's worthless now. Trash. [And he raises a foot to kick it away.]

Please don't! [Comes out part yelp, part shriek. A sound almost unnatural to those familiar with his voice.]

[Another of those sneers, and he picks the locket up, dangling it in the air.] Why is this thing so important to you, anyway? I'm here, aren't I? Isn't that why you keep this?

And you were never so keen to hold onto things before--you even threw away your Ishbalan name, like it meant nothing.

[This is where Scar's eyes widen in shock, staring at him in horrified silence.]

...Oh. You thought I didn't know, didn't you? I told you, I've been here before. I know everything, Scar.

[And here, the shock falls from his face into a look of blank, muted, pain. Everything. His brother knew everything.]

I'm sorry...

You're a disgrace. [One last contemptuous glare, and he turns to leave--but Scar reaches out to grab the fabric of his shirt.]

...P-please. Please don't go.

[His brother looks back over his shoulder and gives a bit of a dark laugh.] Still such a child, even after all these years. Pathetic.

[A few steps forward and he pauses again.] Well, come on, then.

[ooc: Scar won't be replying! But his brother will, later. He'll also be making a post.]

dawn summers, lust, riza hawkeye, -event: shadows of history, !scar

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