9 >> {video} Shadows Event

Mar 04, 2011 16:09

{And here you see... boots. Light brown, soft leather, the pointed toe of one tapping weathered floorboards impatiently as fingertips skim the lens. Her voice is soft, humming impishly as she figures out the device.}

{Finally, a face framed by long chestnut hair, and pinkish, Cupid's bow lips curling into a smirk. She's quite lovely-- a little rough around the edges, perhaps, though you can't quite place how, because there isn't much in her features that would suggest she's lived anything but a lavish life.

It's in her eyes. There's something sharp, wizened, though she couldn't be more than... 25? Maybe. Regardless, she speaks, her accent thick, and (to some) quite familiar.}

I do not know who here is familiar with the dottore... Malfatto... but do know he apologizes for not attending to his visitors today.

He is indisposed.

{Meaning "He's been stuffed in a closet, more or less poisoned by his own 'medicines'."}

But he'll come around later. We've merely been... catching up.

{She lifts the Forge to eye-level, tilting her head to one side, sharp-cut bangs dropping over one eye. She smiles fully now, the tip of her tongue poking out between her teeth.}

{She looks like a girl reveling in vendetta.}

{Or at the very least, the start of it.}

Ciao, amici! I've overstayed my welcome in this house.

[ooc; She'll reply to anything for a little bit. Mal will be back laterish and be... cranky, but pretty well okay. :3]

dawn summers, !malfatto, kunsel, lady, -event: shadows of history

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